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Resuscitation and Care in the Trauma Bay.

Start balanced resuscitation early (pre-hospital if possible), either in the form of whole blood or 1:1:1 ratio. Minimize resuscitation with crystalloid to minimize patient morbidity and mortality. Trauma-induced coagulopathy can be largely avoided with the use of balanced resuscitation, permissive hypotension, and minimized time to hemostasis. Using protocolized "triggers" for massive and ultramassive transfusion will assist in minimizing delays in transfusion of products, achieving balanced ratios, and avoiding trauma induced coagulopathy. Once "audible" bleeding has been addressed, further blood product resuscitation and adjunct replacement should be guided by viscoelastic testing. Early transfusion of whole blood can reduce patient morbidity, mortality, decreases donor exposure, and reduces nursing logistics during transfusions. Adjuncts to resuscitation should be guided by laboratory testing and carefully developed, institution-specific guidelines. These include empiric calcium replacement, tranexamic acid (or other anti-fibrinolytics), and fibrinogen supplementation.

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