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Homeopathic Pyrogenium Ointment as Adjuvant in Treatment of Traumatic and Infected Myiasis by Cochliomyia Hominivorax (Diptera: Calliphoridae) in Sheep: A Case Series.

BACKGROUND:  The blowfly Cochliomyia hominivorax (Diptera: Calliphoridae) causes traumatic myiasis in farm animals, with deeply embedded larvae that lead to serious tissue damage and sometimes death. Treating this form of myiasis is difficult, often resulting in poor outcomes. As a homeopathic preparation that can mimic traumatic myiasis symptoms, Pyrogenium could potentially supplement treatment. This study aimed to describe the adjuvant effect that a Pyrogenium ointment might have in the treatment of sheep with traumatic myiasis.

PATIENTS:  The study reports a homeopathic adjuvant treatment with Pyrogenium 12cH ointment in six sheep with traumatic and infected myiasis. Daily clinical examinations were performed to monitor the evolution of the health of animals. Pyrogenium 12cH ointment was applied topically on the wounds, after cleaning and mechanical removal of the larvae from the lesion. Blood samples were collected for blood counts, and wound exudate samples were obtained for bacteriological examination before and after wound treatment.

RESULTS:  The ointment of Pyrogenium 12cH limited the development of parasitic larvae and was associated with the repair of tissue losses resulting from the myiases and with subsequent wound healing, together with control of fever and local inflammation.

CONCLUSION:  Homeopathic Pyrogenium 12cH, formulated as an ointment, may be a useful new and adjuvant therapeutic option for treating traumatic and infected myiasis in animals.

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