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Anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery: A midterm experience of a rare entity at a tertiary care center.

ALCAPA is a rare congenital heart disease. Presentation varies from asymptomatic to progressive heart failure and death. Surgical repair is indicated in all patients with a goal of restoring two coronary systems. Data was analysed in regard to presenting features, echocardiographic findings, various surgical approaches used and immediate, early and midterm post-operative results. Most common presentation was growth failure and seen in 6 patients. One patient was taken for elective PDA ligation and diagnosis of ALCAPA was made on table after PDA ligation as patient crashed subsequently. Aortocoronary button transfer was most commonly used surgical technique while 2 patients needed interposition grafting. LV function improved in 5 out of 8 patients with regression of MR. A median improvement of 5+-2% was observed in ejection fraction of 5 patients. Early surgery with aortocoronary transfer offers good results with gradual improvement in LV dysfunction and mitral regurgitation.

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