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Updates in atopic dermatitis for the primary care physician: A review of advances in the understanding and treatment of atopic dermatitis.

Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a common inflammatory skin condition occurring in both pediatric and adult patients. Pruritus is a clinical hallmark of the disease, and patients with AD often experience disruptions to their quality of life. The pathogenesis of AD is a complex and multifactorial interplay between genetic factors, epidermal barrier disruption, and immune dysregulation. Clinically, AD is characterized by pruritus, eczematous skin changes, and age-specific lesion distribution patterns. Infants and young children tend to have AD lesions on their face and extensor surfaces of their extremities while older children and adults tend to have AD lesions on flexural surfaces of their extremities. Many patients also experience a chronic and relapsing disease course. Due to the chronicity and severe pruritus, lesions often undergo secondary changes like lichenification. Patients with AD can experience a number of comorbidities including other atopic disease (i.e. allergic rhinitis, asthma), skin infections, cardiovascular, and neuropsychiatric illnesses. Management of AD depends on the severity of the disease as well as the distribution of the disease. Traditionally, treatment of AD included the use of moisturizers / emollients, topical corticosteroids or topical calcineurin inhibitors, or systemic therapy with non-selective immunosuppressants such as corticosteroids, cyclosporine, azathioprine, or similar. However, in the past decade, new biologic and small molecule drugs, both topical and systemic, have become important therapeutic options for AD patients, especially for those with moderate-to-severe disease. The development of these medications, following decades of research to better understand AD, are designed to specifically target various components of immune dysregulation and inflammation implicated in the pathogenesis of AD. Their successful development and deployment now allow for an exciting new era of treatment for individuals suffering from atopic dermatitis.

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