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How the radiologist can add value in the evaluation of the pre- and post-surgical pancreas.

Abdominal Imaging 2015 October
Disease involving the pancreas can be a significant diagnostic challenge to the interpreting radiologist. Moreover, the majority of disease processes involving the pancreas carry high significant morbidity and mortality either due to their natural process or related to their treatment options. As such, it is critical for radiologists to not only provide accurate information from imaging to guide patient management, but also deliver that information in a clear manner so as to aid the referring physician. This is no better exemplified than in the case of pre-operative staging for pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Furthermore, with the changing healthcare landscape, it is now more important than ever to ensure that the value of radiology service to other providers is high. In this review, we will discuss how the radiologist can add value to the referring physician by employing novel imaging techniques in the pre-operative evaluation as well as how the information can be conveyed in the most meaningful manner through the use of structured reporting. We will also familiarize the radiologist with the imaging appearance of common complications that occur after pancreatic surgery.

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