Giovanna Maria Spano, Sebastian Weyn Banningh, William Marshall, Luisa de Vivo, Michele Bellesi, Sophia S Loschky, Giulio Tononi, Chiara Cirelli
Sleep has been hypothesized to rebalance overall synaptic strength after ongoing learning during waking leads to net synaptic potentiation. If so, because synaptic strength and size are correlated, synapses on average should be larger after wake and smaller after sleep. This prediction was recently confirmed in mouse cerebral cortex using serial block-face electron microscopy (SBEM). However, whether these findings extend to other brain regions is unknown. Moreover, sleep deprivation by gentle handling was reported to produce hippocampal spine loss, raising the question of whether synapse size and number are differentially affected by sleep and waking...
August 21, 2019: Journal of Neuroscience
Siau Yen Wong, Lei Wu, Peiran Lu, Babajide Ojo, Minghua Tang, Stephen Clarke, Bryant Keirns, Edralin A Lucas, Brenda Smith, Winyoo Chowanadisai, Tyrrell Conway, Dingbo Lin
Objectives: Watermelon is a delicious and healthy fruit that contains low calories and is rich in carotenoids, vitamin A, vitamin C, citrulline, and other bioactive compounds. The health benefits of watermelon in diabetes are poorly understood. In the current study, we sought to determine the effects of watermelon juice on gut microbiome profile and blood glucose management in type 1 and type 2 diabetic mice. Methods: Six-week-old male C57BL/6 J wild type (WT), db/db type 2 diabetic (db/db), and streptozocin (STZ)-induced type 1 (STZ) diabetic mice were fed a chow diet and given 50% or 100% watermelon juice or tape water during night cycle for 8 weeks...
June 2019: Current Developments in Nutrition
Priya Crosby, Ryan Hamnett, Marrit Putker, Nathaniel P Hoyle, Martin Reed, Carolyn J Karam, Elizabeth S Maywood, Alessandra Stangherlin, Johanna E Chesham, Edward A Hayter, Lyn Rosenbrier-Ribeiro, Peter Newham, Hans Clevers, David A Bechtold, John S O'Neill
In mammals, endogenous circadian clocks sense and respond to daily feeding and lighting cues, adjusting internal ∼24 h rhythms to resonate with, and anticipate, external cycles of day and night. The mechanism underlying circadian entrainment to feeding time is critical for understanding why mistimed feeding, as occurs during shift work, disrupts circadian physiology, a state that is associated with increased incidence of chronic diseases such as type 2 (T2) diabetes. We show that feeding-regulated hormones insulin and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) reset circadian clocks in vivo and in vitro by induction of PERIOD proteins, and mistimed insulin signaling disrupts circadian organization of mouse behavior and clock gene expression...
May 2, 2019: Cell
Hideki Terajima, Hikari Yoshitane, Tomoko Yoshikawa, Yasufumi Shigeyoshi, Yoshitaka Fukada
In mammals, the central circadian clock is located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus and it orchestrates peripheral clocks in the whole body to organize physiological and behavioral rhythms. Light-induced phase-shift of the SCN clock enables synchronization of the circadian clock system with 24-h environmental light/dark cycle. We previously found that adenosine deaminase acting on RNA 2 (Adar2), an A-to-I RNA editing enzyme catalyzing rhythmic A-to-I RNA editing, governs a wide range of mRNA rhythms in the mouse liver and regulates the circadian behavior...
October 4, 2018: Scientific Reports
Lianxia Guo, Fangjun Yu, Tianpeng Zhang, Baojian Wu
Sulfotransferase 1a1 (Sult1a1) is a phase II enzyme that contributes extensively to metabolism and detoxification of various drugs and chemicals. Here we aimed to investigate a potential role of the clock protein Bmal1 (brain and muscle Arnt-like protein-1) in circadian regulation of Sult1a1 in mice. The regulatory effects of Bmal1 on Sult1a1 were assessed both in vivo (using Bmal1- deficient mice) and in vitro (using both normal and serum-shocked Hepa-1c1c7 cells). The relative mRNA and protein levels of Sult1a1 in the cells or mouse livers were measured by RT-qPCR and Western blotting, respectively...
October 2018: Drug Metabolism and Disposition: the Biological Fate of Chemicals
Panshak P Dakup, Kenneth I Porter, Alexander A Little, Rajendra P Gajula, Hui Zhang, Elena Skornyakov, Michael G Kemp, Hans P A Van Dongen, Shobhan Gaddameedhi
Cisplatin is one of the most commonly used chemotherapeutic drugs; however, toxicity and tumor resistance limit its use. Studies using murine models and human subjects have shown that the time of day of cisplatin treatment influences renal and blood toxicities. We hypothesized that the mechanisms responsible for these outcomes are driven by the circadian clock. We conducted experiments using wild-type and circadian disrupted Per1/2-/- mice treated with cisplatin at selected morning (AM) and evening (PM) times...
March 6, 2018: Oncotarget
Cinthia Juárez-Tapia, Manuel Miranda-Anaya
Recently, the relationship between the circadian system and female reproduction has been of great interest; ovarian hormones can modify the amount and distribution of daily activity differently in rodent species. The volcano mouse Neotomodon alstoni is a species in which it is possible to study the circadian rhythm of locomotion, and it offers comparative information about the influence of ovaries on the circadian system. In this study, we used infrared crossings to compare free movement in intact and sham-operated or ovariectomized mice...
December 1, 2017: Physiology & Behavior
Martina Pfeffer, Horst-Werner Korf, Helmut Wicht
In mammals, the rhythmic secretion of melatonin from the pineal gland is driven by the circadian clock in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus. The robust nightly peak of melatonin secretion is an output signal of the circadian clock and is supposed to deliver the circadian message to the whole of the organism. Since the circadian system regulates many behavioral and physiological processes, its disruption by external (shift-work, jet-lag) or internal desynchronization (blindness, aging) causes many different health problems...
March 1, 2018: General and Comparative Endocrinology
Mohammad Hosein Mehrolhasani, Ali Mouseli, Leila Vali, Zahra Mastaneh
INTRODUCTION: Nurses account for the majority of human resources in hospitals, as such that 62% of the workforce and 36% of hospital expenditures are related to nurses. Considering its vital role in offering round-the-clock emergency healthcare services, an Emergency Department (ED) requires adequate nurses. Therefore, this study was conducted to optimize the number of nurses in ED. METHODS: This was an applied study conducted using a Linear Programming (LP) model in 2015...
February 2017: Electronic Physician
Veronika Kiryanova, Victoria M Smith, Richard H Dyck, Michael C Antle
INTRODUCTION: Women of child-bearing age are the population at greatest risk for depression. The stress experienced during pregnancy and the associated antidepressant treatments can both affect fetal development. Fluoxetine (FLX) is among the most common antidepressants used by pregnant women. We have previously demonstrated that perinatal exposure to FLX can alter expression of circadian rhythms in adulthood. Here, we examine the combined effects of maternal stress during pregnancy and perinatal exposure to the antidepressant FLX on the circadian behavior of mice as adults...
March 2017: Psychopharmacology
Moran Homola, Martina Pfeffer, Simon C Robson, Claudia Fischer, Herbert Zimmermann, Horst-Werner Korf
Ecto-5'-nucleotidase (eN) is the major extracellular adenosine-producing ecto-enzyme in mouse brain. Via the production of adenosine, eN participates in many physiological and pathological processes, such as wakefulness, inflammation, nociception and neuroprotection. The mechanisms regulating the expression of eN are therefore of considerable neurobiological and clinical interest. Having previously described a modulatory effect of melatonin in the regulation of eN mRNA levels, we decided to analyze the melatonin receptor subtype involved in the regulation of eN mRNA levels by comparing eN mRNA patterns in melatonin-proficient transgenic mice lacking either the melatonin receptor subtype 1 (MT1 KO) or both melatonin receptor subtypes (MT1 and MT2; MT1/2 KO) with the corresponding melatonin-proficient wild-type (WT) controls...
July 2016: Cell and Tissue Research
Aya Honma, Yoshiko Yamada, Yuji Nakamaru, Satoshi Fukuda, Ken-ichi Honma, Sato Honma
The symptoms of allergic rhinitis show marked day-night changes that are likely to be under the control of the circadian clock, but the mechanism of this control is poorly understood. Because most peripheral tissues have endogenous circadian clocks, we examined the circadian rhythm of the clock gene product PERIOD2 (PER2) in the nasal mucosa of male mice using a luciferase reporter and demonstrated for the first time the phase-dependent effects of dexamethasone (DEX) on nasal PER2 rhythm in vivo and ex vivo...
November 2015: Endocrinology
Kenkichi Baba, Alec J Davidson, Gianluca Tosini
PURPOSE: Previous studies have reported the presence of a circadian rhythm in PERIOD2::LUCIFERASE (PER2::LUC) bioluminescence in mouse photoreceptors, retina, RPE, and cornea. Melatonin (MLT) modulates many physiological functions in the eye and it is believed to be one of the key circadian signals within the eye. The aim of the present study was to investigate the regulation of the PER2::LUC circadian rhythm in mouse cornea and to determine the role played by MLT. METHODS: Corneas were obtained from PER2::LUC mice and cultured to measure bioluminescence rhythmicity in isolated tissue using a Lumicycle or CCD camera...
July 2015: Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science
Brian A Hodge, Yuan Wen, Lance A Riley, Xiping Zhang, Jonathan H England, Brianna D Harfmann, Elizabeth A Schroder, Karyn A Esser
BACKGROUND: Skeletal muscle is a major contributor to whole-body metabolism as it serves as a depot for both glucose and amino acids, and is a highly metabolically active tissue. Within skeletal muscle exists an intrinsic molecular clock mechanism that regulates the timing of physiological processes. A key function of the clock is to regulate the timing of metabolic processes to anticipate time of day changes in environmental conditions. The purpose of this study was to identify metabolic genes that are expressed in a circadian manner and determine if these genes are regulated downstream of the intrinsic molecular clock by assaying gene expression in an inducible skeletal muscle-specific Bmal1 knockout mouse model (iMS-Bmal1 (-/-) )...
2015: Skeletal Muscle
D M Arble, D A Sandoval, F W Turek, S C Woods, R J Seeley
BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: Mounting evidence supports a link between circadian disruption and metabolic disease. Humans with circadian disruption (for example, night-shift workers) have an increased risk of obesity and cardiometabolic diseases compared with the non-disrupted population. However, it is unclear whether the obesity and obesity-related disorders associated with circadian disruption respond to therapeutic treatments as well as individuals with other types of obesity. SUBJECTS/METHODS: Here, we test the effectiveness of the commonly used bariatric surgical procedure, Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (VSG), in mouse models of genetic and environmental circadian disruption...
August 2015: International Journal of Obesity
Victoria M Smith, Ryan T Jeffers, Brendan B McAllister, Priyoneel Basu, Richard H Dyck, Michael C Antle
Serotonin (5-HT) is an important regulator of the mammalian circadian system, and has been implicated in modulating entrained and free-running rhythms, as well as photic and non-photic phase shifting. In general, 5-HT appears to oppose the actions of light on the circadian system of nocturnal rodents. As well, 5-HT mediates, at least in part, some non-photic responses. The 5-HT1A, 1B and 7 receptors regulate these acute responses to zeitgebers. 5-HT also regulates some entrained and free-running properties of the circadian clock...
February 2015: Physiology & Behavior
Takafumi Okura, Jitsuo Higaki
Circadian rhythms occur in all species and even in a cell. Epidemiological studies have supported that disrupt of the circadian cycle evidenced by individuals working night or rotating shifts is strongly associated with metabolic disorder. Some genetically engineered mouse models which are disrupted circadian related genes show hallmark sign of the metabolic syndrome. Disrupted of circadian rhythms leads to obesity and metabolic disorder, and a high fat diet leads to disrupted circadian expression of metabolic factors and obesity...
August 2014: Nihon Rinsho. Japanese Journal of Clinical Medicine
Silke Kiessling, Patricia J Sollars, Gary E Pickard
The brain's master circadian pacemaker resides within the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). SCN clock neurons are entrained to the day/night cycle via the retinohypothalamic tract and the SCN provides temporal information to the central nervous system and to peripheral organs that function as secondary oscillators. The SCN clock-cell network is thought to be the hypothalamic link between the retina and descending autonomic circuits to peripheral organs such as the adrenal gland, thereby entraining those organs to the day/night cycle...
2014: PloS One
Yaarit Adamovich, Liat Rousso-Noori, Ziv Zwighaft, Adi Neufeld-Cohen, Marina Golik, Judith Kraut-Cohen, Miao Wang, Xianlin Han, Gad Asher
Circadian clocks play a major role in orchestrating daily physiology, and their disruption can evoke metabolic diseases such as fatty liver and obesity. To study the role of circadian clocks in lipid homeostasis, we performed an extensive lipidomic analysis of liver tissues from wild-type and clock-disrupted mice either fed ad libitum or night fed. To our surprise, a similar fraction of lipids (∼17%) oscillated in both mouse strains, most notably triglycerides, but with completely different phases. Moreover, several master lipid regulators (e...
February 4, 2014: Cell Metabolism
Hanna Regus-Leidig, Jenny Atorf, Andreas Feigenspan, Jan Kremers, Marion A Maw, Johann Helmut Brandstätter
Light-dependent conductance changes of voltage-gated Cav1.4 channels regulate neurotransmitter release at photoreceptor ribbon synapses. Mutations in the human CACNA1F gene encoding the α1F subunit of Cav1.4 channels cause an incomplete form of X-linked congenital stationary night blindness (CSNB2). Many CACNA1F mutations are loss-of-function mutations resulting in non-functional Cav1.4 channels, but some mutations alter the channels' gating properties and, presumably, disturb Ca(2+) influx at photoreceptor ribbon synapses...
2014: PloS One
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