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Iron deficiency is the most important causal factor of anemia. Preschoolers are particularly vulnerable; a recent analysis reported a prevalence rate higher than 35% among children less than 2 years old in Argentina. Its early detection, right treatment, and suitable prophylaxis currently take priority in our country. This guideline establishes the definition of anemia in relation to chronological age, gestational age and habitat, reviews main causes of iron deficiency, and sets guidelines for diagnosis, detection, differential...
August 1, 2017: Archivos Argentinos de Pediatría
Francisco Bautista, Soledad Gallego, Adela Cañete, Jaume Mora, Cristina Díaz de Heredia, Ofelia Cruz, José María Fernández, Susana Rives, Pablo Berlanga, Raquel Hladun, Antonio Juan Ribelles, Luis Madero, Manuel Ramírez, Rafael Fernández Delgado, Antonio Pérez-Martínez, Cristina Mata, Anna Llort, Javier Martín Broto, María Elena Cela, Gema Ramírez, Constantino Sábado, Tomás Acha, Itziar Astigarraga, Ana Sastre, Ascensión Muñoz, Mercedes Guibelalde, Lucas Moreno
INTRODUCTION: Cancer is the leading cause of death between the first year of life and adolescence, and some types of diseases are still a major challenge in terms of cure. There is, therefore, a major need for new drugs. Recent findings in cancer biology open the door to the development of targeted therapies against individual molecular changes, as well as immunotherapy. Promising results in adult anti-cancer drug development have not yet been translated into paediatric clinical practice...
September 2017: Anales de Pediatría: Publicación Oficial de la Asociación Española de Pediatría (A.E.P.)
Dante Langhi, Eugênia Maria Amorim Ubiali, José Francisco Comenalli Marques, Mônica de Almeida Verissimo, Sandra Regina Loggetto, Antonio Silvinato, Wanderley Marques Bernardo
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
October 2016: Revista Brasileira de Hematologia e Hemoterapia
Elena Cela, José M Bellón, María de la Cruz, Cristina Beléndez, Rubén Berrueco, Anna Ruiz, Izaskun Elorza, Cristina Díaz de Heredia, Aurea Cervera, Griselda Vallés, J Antonio Salinas, M Teresa Coll, Mar Bermúdez, Marta Prudencio, Bienvenida Argilés, Cruz Vecilla
BACKGROUND: Although highly prevalent throughout the world, the accurate prevalence of hemoglobinopathies in Spain is unknown. PROCEDURE: This study presents data on the national registry of hemoglobinopathies of patients with thalassemia major (TM), thalassemia intermedia (TI), and sickle cell disease (SCD) in Spain created in 2014. Fifty centers reported cases retrospectively. Data were registered from neonatal screening or from the first contact at diagnosis until last follow-up or death...
July 2017: Pediatric Blood & Cancer
Sônia Mara Nunes da Silva, Milena Batista de Oliveira, Edson Zangiacomi Martinez
OBJECTIVE: To assess the distribution of serological markers in blood donors at the blood banks of the Fundação Centro de Hematologia e Hemoterapia de Minas Gerais (Hemominas), Brazil, between January 2006 and December 2012. METHODS: This is a descriptive, retrospective study on blood donors screened using serological tests for markers of transmitted diseases at the state blood-banking network. RESULTS: Approximately 78.9% of the donors were considered eligible for the study after clinical screening...
July 2016: Revista Brasileira de Hematologia e Hemoterapia
Mariana Martins Godin, Lucas de Oliveira Souza, Luciana Cayres Schmidt, Lauro Mello Vieira, Rejane Silva Diniz, Luci Maria SantAna Dusse
BACKGROUND: The term dangerous universal blood donor refers to potential agglutination of the erythrocytes of non-O recipients due to plasma of an O blood group donor, which contains high titers of anti-A and/or anti-B hemagglutinins. Thus, prior titration of anti-A and anti-B hemagglutinins is recommended to prevent transfusion reactions. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to estimate the frequency of dangerous universal donors in the blood bank of Belo Horizonte (Fundação Central de Imuno-Hematologia - Fundação Hemominas - Minas Gerais) by determining the titers of anti-A and anti-B hemagglutinins in O blood group donors...
July 2016: Revista Brasileira de Hematologia e Hemoterapia
Juan-Manuel Sancho, Rafael Duarte, Laura Medina, Sergi Querol, Pedro Marín, Anna Sureda
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Poor mobilization of peripheral blood stem cells (CD34(+) cells) from bone marrow is a frequent reason for not reaching the autologous stem cell trasplantation (SCT) procedure in patients diagnosed with lymphoma or myeloma. Plerixafor, a reversible inhibitor of the binding of stromal cell-derived factor 1 to its cognate receptor CXCR4, has demonstrated a higher capacity for the mobilization of peripheral blood stem cells in combination with granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) compared with G-CSF alone...
September 2, 2016: Medicina Clínica
María Ballesteros-Pomar, Rocío Villar-Taibo, Alicia Calleja-Fernández, Begoña Pintor-de-la-Maza, Cecilia Álvarez-Del-Campo, Alfonso Vidal-Casariego, Isidoro Cano-Rodríguez
Los datos del estudio PREDYCES® nos revelaron que en España la desnutrición relacionada con la enfermedad (DRE) afecta a uno de cada cuatro pacientes hospitalizados. Esta cifra aumenta hasta el 36,8% en los pacientes hematológicos. Se calcula que un 20% de los pacientes oncológicos muere por complicaciones relacionadas con la DRE. Nuestro grupo se planteó en 2011 comenzar la implantación de un cribado nutricional en los servicios con mayor riesgo de DRE. La presente revisión trata de describir todo el proceso que hemos seguido para mejorar la situación nutricional en los pacientes ingresados en el Servicio de Hematología del Complejo Asistencial Universitario de León (CAULE), mayoritariamente con diagnóstico de neoplasias hematológicas...
June 3, 2016: Nutrición Hospitalaria: Organo Oficial de la Sociedad Española de Nutrición Parenteral y Enteral
Josefina Aparecida Pellegrini Braga, Mônica Pinheiro de Almeida Veríssimo, Sara Teresinha Olalla Saad, Rodolfo Delfini Cançado, Sandra Regina Loggetto
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
April 2016: Revista Brasileira de Hematologia e Hemoterapia
Juan M Bergua, Pau Montesinos, David Martinez-Cuadrón, Pascual Fernández-Abellán, Josefina Serrano, María J Sayas, Julio Prieto-Fernandez, Raimundo García, Ana J García-Huerta, Manuel Barrios, Celina Benavente, Manuel Pérez-Encinas, Adriana Simiele, Gabriela Rodríguez-Macias, Pilar Herrera-Puente, Rebeca Rodríguez-Veiga, María P Martínez-Sánchez, María L Amador-Barciela, Rosalía Riaza-Grau, Miguel A Sanz
The combination of fludarabine, cytarabine, idarubicin, and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (FLAG-Ida) is widely used in relapsed/refractory acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). We retrospectively analysed the results of 259 adult AML patients treated as first salvage with FLAG-Ida or FLAG-Ida plus Gentuzumab-Ozogamicin (FLAGO-Ida) of the Programa Español de Tratamientos en Hematología (PETHEMA) database, developing a prognostic score system of survival in this setting (SALFLAGE score). Overall, 221 patients received FLAG-Ida and 38 FLAGO-Ida; 92 were older than 60 years...
September 2016: British Journal of Haematology
Viviana Bacciedoni, Myriam Attie, Hugo Donato
The incidence of thrombosis is higher among newborn infants than in any other stage of pediatric development. This fact is the consequence of labile characteristics of the neonatal hemostatic system, in addition to exposure to multiple risk factors and the wide use of vascular catheters. Venous thromboses, which mainly affect the limbs, the right atrium and renal veins, are more frequently seen than arterial thromboses. A stroke may be caused by the occlusion of the arterial flow entering the brain or by occlusion of its venous drainage system...
April 2016: Archivos Argentinos de Pediatría
María D Ballesteros Pomar, Alfonso Suárez Gutiérrez, Alicia Calleja Fernández, Begoña Pintor de la Maza, Ana Urioste Fondo, Alfonso Vidal Casariego, Rocío Villar Taibo, Concepción Otero Redondo, Manuel Herrero Moratiel, Isidoro Cano Rodríguez, Juan Luis Burón Llamazares
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
February 16, 2016: Nutrición Hospitalaria: Organo Oficial de la Sociedad Española de Nutrición Parenteral y Enteral
Rosane Bittencourt, Teresa Cristina Bortolheiro, Maria de Lourdes Lopes Ferrari Chauffaille, Evandro Maranhão Fagundes, Katia Borgia Barbosa Pagnano, Eduardo Magalhães Rego, Wanderley Marques Bernardo
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
January 2016: Revista Brasileira de Hematologia e Hemoterapia
A Alsius-Serra, M Ballbé-Anglada, M L López-Yeste, M Buxeda-Figuerola, E Guillén-Campuzano, L Juan-Pereira, C Colomé-Mallolas, I Caballé-Martín
OBJECTIVE: To describe the study of the comparability of the measurements levels of biological tests processed in biochemistry in Catlab's 4 laboratories. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Quality requirements, coefficients of variation and total error (CV% and TE %) were established. Controls were verified with the precision requirements (CV%) in each test and each individual laboratory analyser. Fresh serum samples were used for the comparability study. The differences were analysed using a Microsoft Access® application that produces modified Bland-Altman plots...
November 2015: Revista de Calidad Asistencial: Organo de la Sociedad Española de Calidad Asistencial
Mónica P González-Ramírez, Karla Miravete-Lagunes, Andrés Gómez-de-León, Sergio Ponce-de-León, Andrea P Tenorio-Rojo, Nora A Martagón-Herrera, Jesús A Hernández-Reyes, Arturo García-Villasenor, Esteban Burguette, María Fernanda Vallejo-Villalobos, Guillermo J Ruiz-Delgado, David Gómez-Almaguer, Guillermo J Ruiz-Argüelles
BACKGROUND: Quality of life (QOL) is an important consideration in the counseling, implementation, and post-treatment management of arduous treatments for life-threatening conditions such as allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (allo-HCT). OBJECTIVE: To analyze the QOL of leukemia patients allografted with the Mexican reduced-intensity conditioning regimen in two Mexican academic medical centers. MATERIAL AND METHODS: By means of the quality metric short form 36 version 2 to measure generic health concepts, relevant QOL was analyzed in leukemia patients who underwent allo-HCT using reduced-intensity conditioning on an outpatient basis at either the Centro de Hematología y Medicina Interna de Puebla of the Clínica Ruiz or the Hematology Service of the Internal Medicine Department of the Hospital "Dr...
March 2015: Revista de Investigación Clínica; Organo del Hospital de Enfermedades de la Nutrición
Samantha Galindo-Becerra, Nancy Labastida-Mercado, Jaime Rosales-Padrón, Jessica García-Chavez, Elena Soto-Vega, Liliana Rivadeneyra-Espinoza, Andres A León-Peña, Danitza Fernández-Lara, Monica Dominguez-Cid, Javier Anthon-Méndez, Daniel Arizpe-Bravo, Guillermo J Ruiz-Delgado, Guillermo J Ruiz-Argüelles
Admission to the intensive care unit (ICU) of a patient who has been grafted with hematopoietic stem cells is a serious event, but the role of the ICU in this setting remains controversial. Data were analyzed from patients who underwent autologous or allogeneic bone marrow transplantation at the Centro de Hematología y Medicina Interna de Puebla, México, between May 1993 and October 2014. In total, 339 patients were grafted: 150 autografts and 189 allografts; 68 of the grafted patients (20%) were admitted to the ICU after transplantation: 27% of the allografted and 11% of the autografted patients (p = 0...
2015: Acta Haematologica
Hugo Donato, Renée Leonor Crisp, María Cristina Rapetti, Eliana García, Myriam Attie
Hereditary spherocytosis must always be suspected in children with anemia, hyperbilirubinemia, splenomegaly or cholelithiasis, in the asymptomatic individual with an affected relative, and in the neonate with hyperbilirubinemia with no blood group incompatibility; its early detection is key to avoid kernicterus. Follow-up of these patients is based on periodical control and supply of information on the adequate management of hemolytic or aplastic crisis, and early detection of cholelithiasis. The decision to perform splenectomy is usually associated with quality of life rather than life-threatening risk, and it should result from a consensus between patient, parents and physicians...
April 2015: Archivos Argentinos de Pediatría
Jose Maria Raya, Taida Martín-Santos, Elisa Luño, Carmen Sanzo, Maria Luz Perez-Sirvent, Esperanza Such, José Tomás Navarro, Fuensanta Millá, Esther Alonso, Alicia Domingo, María Rozman, Marina Díaz-Beva, Ana Batlle, Sonia González-de-Villambrosia, Esperanza Tuset, Teresa Vallespí, Margarita Ortega, Alfredo Bermejo, Marisa Martín-Ramos, Valeria Peri, Francesc Solé, Lourdes Florensa
OBJECTIVES: To compare, from a biological and clinical perspective, a significant group of patients with AML with inv(3)(q21q26.2) or t(3;3)(q21;q26.2) with another group of AML carrying different abnormalities of 3q at q21 or q26, the latter named as the AML abn(3q) group. METHODS: We developed a national survey with the participation of 13 Spanish hospitals, and retrospectively reviewed (from 1990 to 2010) these subtypes of AML. Fifty-five patients were collected: 35 with AML inv(3)/t(3;3) and 20 with AML abn(3q)...
September 2015: Hematology (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Cármino Antonio de Souza
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
January 2015: Revista Brasileira de Hematologia e Hemoterapia
Cyrene Piazera Silva Costa, Halinna Larissa Cruz Correa Carvalho, Soraia de Fátima Carvalho Souza, Erika Bárbara Abreu Fonseca Thomaz
The aim of this study was to investigate possible associations between sickle cell anemia (SCA) and the severity of dental malocclusion (MO). This was a retrospective cohort study of 93 individuals with SCA (G1) and 186 individuals without the disease (G2). SCA patients were randomly selected by a simple draw from patients treated in the Centro de Hematologia e Hemoterapia do Maranhão (HEMOMAR) in northeastern Brazil. Patients aged between 16 and 60 were included after being tested for the hemoglobin S gene...
2015: Brazilian Oral Research
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