Petra A Custers, Geerard L Beets, Simon P Bach, Lennart K Blomqvist, Nuno Figueiredo, Marc J Gollub, Anna Martling, Jarno Melenhorst, Cinthia D Ortega, Rodrigo O Perez, J Joshua Smith, Doenja M J Lambregts, Regina G H Beets-Tan, Monique Maas
BACKGROUND: A variety of definitions for a clinical near-complete response after neoadjuvant (chemo) radiotherapy for rectal cancer are currently used. This variety leads to inconsistency in clinical practice, long-term outcome, and trial enrollment. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to reach expert-based consensus on the definition of a clinical near-complete response after (chemo) radiotherapy. DESIGN: A modified Delphi process, including a systematic review, 3 surveys, and 2 meetings, was performed with an international expert panel consisting of 7 surgeons and 4 radiologists...
June 1, 2024: Diseases of the Colon and Rectum
Luis Perez-de-Llano, Ghislaine Scelo, Trung N Tran, Tham T Le, Malin Faregås, Borja G Cosio, Matthew Peters, Paul E Pfeffer, Mona Al-Ahmad, Riyad O Al-Lehebi, Alan Altraja, Celine Bergeron, Leif H Bjermer, Anne S Bjerrum, Lakmini Bulathsinhala, John Busby, Diana J Cano Rosales, Giorgio W Canonica, Victoria A Carter, Jeremy Charriot, George C Christoff, Eve J Denton, Delbert R Dorscheid, Maria J Fernandez Sanchez, João A Fonseca, Peter G Gibson, Celine Y Y Goh, Liam G Heaney, Enrico Heffler, Mark Hew, Takashi Iwanaga, Rohit Katial, Mariko S Koh, Piotr Kuna, Désirée E S Larenas-Linnemann, Lauri Lehtimäki, Bassam Mahboub, Neil Martin, Hisako Matsumoto, Andrew N Menzies-Gow, Nikolaos G Papadopoulos, Todor A Popov, Celeste M Porsbjerg, Pujan Patel, Chin K Rhee, Mohsen Sadatsafavi, Camille Taillé, Carlos A Torres-Duque, Ming-Ju Tsai, Charlotte S Ulrik, John W Upham, Anna von Bülow, Eileen Wang, Michael E Wechsler, David B Price
RATIONALE: There is no consensus on criteria to include in an asthma remission definition in real-life. Factors associated with achieving remission post-biologic-initiation remain poorly understood. OBJECTIVES: To quantify the proportion of adults with severe asthma achieving multi-domain-defined remission post-biologic-initiation and identify pre-biologic characteristics associated with achieving remission which may be used to predict it. METHODS: This was a longitudinal cohort study using data from 23 countries from the International Severe Asthma Registry...
May 3, 2024: American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
M Ablikim, M N Achasov, P Adlarson, X C Ai, R Aliberti, A Amoroso, M R An, Q An, Y Bai, O Bakina, I Balossino, Y Ban, H-R Bao, V Batozskaya, K Begzsuren, N Berger, M Berlowski, M Bertani, D Bettoni, F Bianchi, E Bianco, A Bortone, I Boyko, R A Briere, A Brueggemann, H Cai, X Cai, A Calcaterra, G F Cao, N Cao, S A Cetin, J F Chang, T T Chang, W L Chang, G R Che, G Chelkov, C Chen, Chao Chen, G Chen, H S Chen, M L Chen, S J Chen, S L Chen, S M Chen, T Chen, X R Chen, X T Chen, Y B Chen, Y Q Chen, Z J Chen, W S Cheng, S K Choi, X Chu, G Cibinetto, S C Coen, F Cossio, J J Cui, H L Dai, J P Dai, A Dbeyssi, R E de Boer, D Dedovich, Z Y Deng, A Denig, I Denysenko, M Destefanis, F De Mori, B Ding, X X Ding, Y Ding, Y Ding, J Dong, L Y Dong, M Y Dong, X Dong, M C Du, S X Du, Z H Duan, P Egorov, Y H Fan, J Fang, S S Fang, W X Fang, Y Fang, R Farinelli, L Fava, F Feldbauer, G Felici, C Q Feng, J H Feng, K Fischer, M Fritsch, C D Fu, J L Fu, Y W Fu, H Gao, Y N Gao, Yang Gao, S Garbolino, I Garzia, P T Ge, Z W Ge, C Geng, E M Gersabeck, A Gilman, K Goetzen, L Gong, W X Gong, W Gradl, S Gramigna, M Greco, M H Gu, Y T Gu, C Y Guan, Z L Guan, A Q Guo, L B Guo, M J Guo, R P Guo, Y P Guo, A Guskov, T T Han, W Y Han, X Q Hao, F A Harris, K K He, K L He, F H H Heinsius, C H Heinz, Y K Heng, C Herold, T Holtmann, P C Hong, G Y Hou, X T Hou, Y R Hou, Z L Hou, H M Hu, J F Hu, T Hu, Y Hu, G S Huang, K X Huang, L Q Huang, X T Huang, Y P Huang, T Hussain, N Hüsken, N In der Wiesche, M Irshad, J Jackson, S Jaeger, S Janchiv, J H Jeong, Q Ji, Q P Ji, X B Ji, X L Ji, Y Y Ji, X Q Jia, Z K Jia, H J Jiang, P C Jiang, S S Jiang, T J Jiang, X S Jiang, Y Jiang, J B Jiao, Z Jiao, S Jin, Y Jin, M Q Jing, X M Jing, T Johansson, X K, S Kabana, N Kalantar-Nayestanaki, X L Kang, X S Kang, M Kavatsyuk, B C Ke, A Khoukaz, R Kiuchi, R Kliemt, O B Kolcu, B Kopf, M Kuessner, A Kupsc, W Kühn, J J Lane, P Larin, A Lavania, L Lavezzi, T T Lei, Z H Lei, H Leithoff, M Lellmann, T Lenz, C Li, C Li, C H Li, Cheng Li, D M Li, F Li, G Li, H Li, H B Li, H J Li, H N Li, Hui Li, J R Li, J S Li, J W Li, K L Li, Ke Li, L J Li, L K Li, Lei Li, M H Li, P R Li, Q X Li, S X Li, T Li, W D Li, W G Li, X H Li, X L Li, Xiaoyu Li, Y G Li, Z J Li, Z X Li, C Liang, H Liang, H Liang, H Liang, Y F Liang, Y T Liang, G R Liao, L Z Liao, Y P Liao, J Libby, A Limphirat, D X Lin, T Lin, B J Liu, B X Liu, C Liu, C X Liu, F H Liu, Fang Liu, Feng Liu, G M Liu, H Liu, H B Liu, H M Liu, Huanhuan Liu, Huihui Liu, J B Liu, J L Liu, J Y Liu, K Liu, K Y Liu, Ke Liu, L Liu, L C Liu, Lu Liu, M H Liu, P L Liu, Q Liu, S B Liu, T Liu, W K Liu, W M Liu, X Liu, Y Liu, Y Liu, Y B Liu, Z A Liu, Z Q Liu, X C Lou, F X Lu, H J Lu, J G Lu, X L Lu, Y Lu, Y P Lu, Z H Lu, C L Luo, M X Luo, T Luo, X L Luo, X R Lyu, Y F Lyu, F C Ma, H Ma, H L Ma, J L Ma, L L Ma, M M Ma, Q M Ma, R Q Ma, R T Ma, X Y Ma, Y Ma, Y M Ma, F E Maas, M Maggiora, S Malde, Q A Malik, A Mangoni, Y J Mao, Z P Mao, S Marcello, Z X Meng, J G Messchendorp, G Mezzadri, H Miao, T J Min, R E Mitchell, X H Mo, N Yu Muchnoi, J Muskalla, Y Nefedov, F Nerling, I B Nikolaev, Z Ning, S Nisar, Q L Niu, W D Niu, Y Niu, S L Olsen, Q Ouyang, S Pacetti, X Pan, Y Pan, A Pathak, P Patteri, Y P Pei, M Pelizaeus, H P Peng, Y Y Peng, K Peters, J L Ping, R G Ping, S Plura, V Prasad, F Z Qi, H Qi, H R Qi, M Qi, T Y Qi, S Qian, W B Qian, C F Qiao, J J Qin, L Q Qin, X P Qin, X S Qin, Z H Qin, J F Qiu, S Q Qu, C F Redmer, K J Ren, A Rivetti, M Rolo, G Rong, Ch Rosner, S N Ruan, N Salone, A Sarantsev, Y Schelhaas, K Schoenning, M Scodeggio, K Y Shan, W Shan, X Y Shan, J F Shangguan, L G Shao, M Shao, C P Shen, H F Shen, W H Shen, X Y Shen, B A Shi, H C Shi, J L Shi, J Y Shi, Q Q Shi, R S Shi, X Shi, J J Song, T Z Song, W M Song, Y J Song, Y X Song, S Sosio, S Spataro, F Stieler, Y J Su, G B Sun, G X Sun, H Sun, H K Sun, J F Sun, K Sun, L Sun, S S Sun, T Sun, W Y Sun, Y Sun, Y J Sun, Y Z Sun, Z T Sun, Y X Tan, C J Tang, G Y Tang, J Tang, Y A Tang, L Y Tao, Q T Tao, M Tat, J X Teng, V Thoren, W H Tian, W H Tian, Y Tian, Z F Tian, I Uman, S J Wang, B Wang, B L Wang, Bo Wang, C W Wang, D Y Wang, F Wang, H J Wang, H P Wang, J P Wang, K Wang, L L Wang, M Wang, Meng Wang, S Wang, S Wang, T Wang, T J Wang, W Wang, W Wang, W P Wang, X Wang, X F Wang, X J Wang, X L Wang, Y Wang, Y D Wang, Y F Wang, Y H Wang, Y N Wang, Y Q Wang, Yaqian Wang, Yi Wang, Z Wang, Z L Wang, Z Y Wang, Ziyi Wang, D Wei, D H Wei, F Weidner, S P Wen, C W Wenzel, U Wiedner, G Wilkinson, M Wolke, L Wollenberg, C Wu, J F Wu, L H Wu, L J Wu, X Wu, X H Wu, Y Wu, Y H Wu, Y J Wu, Z Wu, L Xia, X M Xian, T Xiang, D Xiao, G Y Xiao, S Y Xiao, Y L Xiao, Z J Xiao, C Xie, X H Xie, Y Xie, Y G Xie, Y H Xie, Z P Xie, T Y Xing, C F Xu, C J Xu, G F Xu, H Y Xu, Q J Xu, Q N Xu, W Xu, W L Xu, X P Xu, Y C Xu, Z P Xu, Z S Xu, F Yan, L Yan, W B Yan, W C Yan, X Q Yan, H J Yang, H L Yang, H X Yang, Tao Yang, Y Yang, Y F Yang, Y X Yang, Yifan Yang, Z W Yang, Z P Yao, M Ye, M H Ye, J H Yin, Z Y You, B X Yu, C X Yu, G Yu, J S Yu, T Yu, X D Yu, C Z Yuan, L Yuan, S C Yuan, X Q Yuan, Y Yuan, Z Y Yuan, C X Yue, A A Zafar, F R Zeng, X Zeng, Y Zeng, Y J Zeng, X Y Zhai, Y C Zhai, Y H Zhan, A Q Zhang, B L Zhang, B X Zhang, D H Zhang, G Y Zhang, H Zhang, H C Zhang, H H Zhang, H H Zhang, H Q Zhang, H Y Zhang, J Zhang, J J Zhang, J L Zhang, J Q Zhang, J W Zhang, J X Zhang, J Y Zhang, J Z Zhang, Jianyu Zhang, Jiawei Zhang, L M Zhang, L Q Zhang, Lei Zhang, P Zhang, Q Y Zhang, Shuihan Zhang, Shulei Zhang, X D Zhang, X M Zhang, X Y Zhang, Xuyan Zhang, Y Zhang, Y Zhang, Y T Zhang, Y H Zhang, Yan Zhang, Yao Zhang, Z H Zhang, Z L Zhang, Z Y Zhang, Z Y Zhang, G Zhao, J Zhao, J Y Zhao, J Z Zhao, Lei Zhao, Ling Zhao, M G Zhao, R P Zhao, S J Zhao, Y B Zhao, Y X Zhao, Z G Zhao, A Zhemchugov, B Zheng, J P Zheng, W J Zheng, Y H Zheng, B Zhong, X Zhong, H Zhou, L P Zhou, X Zhou, X K Zhou, X R Zhou, X Y Zhou, Y Z Zhou, J Zhu, K Zhu, K J Zhu, L Zhu, L X Zhu, S H Zhu, S Q Zhu, T J Zhu, W J Zhu, Y C Zhu, Z A Zhu, J H Zou, J Zu
We present measurements of the Born cross sections for the processes e^{+}e^{-}→ωχ_{c1} and ωχ_{c2} at center-of-mass energies sqrt[s] from 4.308 to 4.951 GeV. The measurements are performed with data samples corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 11.0  fb^{-1} collected with the BESIII detector operating at the Beijing Electron Positron Collider storage ring. Assuming the e^{+}e^{-}→ωχ_{c2} signals come from a single resonance, the mass and width are determined to be M=(4413...
April 19, 2024: Physical Review Letters
S N Santiesteban, S Li, D Abrams, S Alsalmi, D Androic, K Aniol, J Arrington, T Averett, C Ayerbe Gayoso, J Bane, S Barcus, J Barrow, A Beck, V Bellini, H Bhatt, D Bhetuwal, D Biswas, A Camsonne, J Castellanos, J Chen, J-P Chen, D Chrisman, M E Christy, C Clarke, S Covrig, R Cruz-Torres, D Day, D Dutta, E Fuchey, C Gal, F Garibaldi, T N Gautam, T Gogami, J Gomez, P Guèye, T J Hague, J O Hansen, F Hauenstein, W Henry, D W Higinbotham, R J Holt, C Hyde, K Itabashi, M Kaneta, A Karki, A T Katramatou, C E Keppel, P M King, L Kurbany, T Kutz, N Lashley-Colthirst, W B Li, H Liu, N Liyanage, E Long, A Lovato, J Mammei, P Markowitz, R E McClellan, F Meddi, D Meekins, R Michaels, M Mihovilovič, A Moyer, S Nagao, D Nguyen, M Nycz, M Olson, L Ou, V Owen, C Palatchi, B Pandey, A Papadopoulou, S Park, T Petkovic, S Premathilake, V Punjabi, R D Ransome, P E Reimer, J Reinhold, S Riordan, N Rocco, V M Rodriguez, A Schmidt, B Schmookler, E P Segarra, A Shahinyan, S Širca, K Slifer, P Solvignon, T Su, R Suleiman, L Tang, Y Tian, W Tireman, F Tortorici, Y Toyama, K Uehara, G M Urciuoli, D Votaw, J Williamson, B Wojtsekhowski, S Wood, Z H Ye, J Zhang, X Zheng
The electromagnetic form factors of the proton and neutron encode information on the spatial structure of their charge and magnetization distributions. While measurements of the proton are relatively straightforward, the lack of a free neutron target makes measurements of the neutron's electromagnetic structure more challenging and more sensitive to experimental or model-dependent uncertainties. Various experiments have attempted to extract the neutron form factors from scattering from the neutron in deuterium, with different techniques providing different, and sometimes large, systematic uncertainties...
April 19, 2024: Physical Review Letters
S Acharya, D Adamová, A Adler, G Aglieri Rinella, M Agnello, N Agrawal, Z Ahammed, S Ahmad, S U Ahn, I Ahuja, A Akindinov, M Al-Turany, D Aleksandrov, B Alessandro, H M Alfanda, R Alfaro Molina, B Ali, A Alici, N Alizadehvandchali, A Alkin, J Alme, G Alocco, T Alt, A R Altamura, I Altsybeev, J R Alvarado, M N Anaam, C Andrei, A Andronic, V Anguelov, F Antinori, P Antonioli, N Apadula, L Aphecetche, H Appelshäuser, C Arata, S Arcelli, M Aresti, R Arnaldi, J G M C A Arneiro, I C Arsene, M Arslandok, A Augustinus, R Averbeck, M D Azmi, H Baba, A Badalà, J Bae, Y W Baek, X Bai, R Bailhache, Y Bailung, A Balbino, A Baldisseri, B Balis, D Banerjee, Z Banoo, R Barbera, F Barile, L Barioglio, M Barlou, G G Barnaföldi, L S Barnby, V Barret, L Barreto, C Bartels, K Barth, E Bartsch, N Bastid, S Basu, G Batigne, D Battistini, B Batyunya, D Bauri, J L Bazo Alba, I G Bearden, C Beattie, P Becht, D Behera, I Belikov, A D C Bell Hechavarria, F Bellini, R Bellwied, S Belokurova, G Bencedi, S Beole, A Bercuci, Y Berdnikov, A Berdnikova, L Bergmann, M G Besoiu, L Betev, P P Bhaduri, A Bhasin, M A Bhat, B Bhattacharjee, L Bianchi, N Bianchi, J Bielčík, J Bielčíková, J Biernat, A P Bigot, A Bilandzic, G Biro, S Biswas, N Bize, J T Blair, D Blau, M B Blidaru, N Bluhme, C Blume, G Boca, F Bock, T Bodova, A Bogdanov, S Boi, J Bok, L Boldizsár, M Bombara, P M Bond, G Bonomi, H Borel, A Borissov, A G Borquez Carcamo, H Bossi, E Botta, Y E M Bouziani, L Bratrud, P Braun-Munzinger, M Bregant, M Broz, G E Bruno, M D Buckland, D Budnikov, H Buesching, S Bufalino, P Buhler, N Burmasov, Z Buthelezi, A Bylinkin, S A Bysiak, M Cai, H Caines, A Caliva, E Calvo Villar, J M M Camacho, P Camerini, F D M Canedo, S L Cantway, M Carabas, A A Carballo, F Carnesecchi, R Caron, L A D Carvalho, J Castillo Castellanos, F Catalano, C Ceballos Sanchez, I Chakaberia, P Chakraborty, S Chandra, S Chapeland, M Chartier, S Chattopadhyay, S Chattopadhyay, T Cheng, C Cheshkov, B Cheynis, V Chibante Barroso, D D Chinellato, E S Chizzali, J Cho, S Cho, P Chochula, P Christakoglou, C H Christensen, P Christiansen, T Chujo, M Ciacco, C Cicalo, F Cindolo, M R Ciupek, G Clai, F Colamaria, J S Colburn, D Colella, M Colocci, M Concas, G Conesa Balbastre, Z Conesa Del Valle, G Contin, J G Contreras, M L Coquet, P Cortese, M R Cosentino, F Costa, S Costanza, C Cot, J Crkovská, P Crochet, R Cruz-Torres, P Cui, A Dainese, M C Danisch, A Danu, P Das, P Das, S Das, A R Dash, S Dash, A De Caro, G de Cataldo, J de Cuveland, A De Falco, D De Gruttola, N De Marco, C De Martin, S De Pasquale, R Deb, S Deb, R Del Grande, L Dello Stritto, W Deng, P Dhankher, D Di Bari, A Di Mauro, B Diab, R A Diaz, T Dietel, Y Ding, R Divià, D U Dixit, Ø Djuvsland, U Dmitrieva, A Dobrin, B Dönigus, J M Dubinski, A Dubla, S Dudi, P Dupieux, M Durkac, N Dzalaiova, T M Eder, R J Ehlers, F Eisenhut, R Ejima, D Elia, B Erazmus, F Ercolessi, F Erhardt, M R Ersdal, B Espagnon, G Eulisse, D Evans, S Evdokimov, L Fabbietti, M Faggin, J Faivre, F Fan, W Fan, A Fantoni, M Fasel, P Fecchio, A Feliciello, G Feofilov, A Fernández Téllez, L Ferrandi, M B Ferrer, A Ferrero, C Ferrero, A Ferretti, V J G Feuillard, V Filova, D Finogeev, F M Fionda, F Flor, A N Flores, S Foertsch, I Fokin, S Fokin, E Fragiacomo, E Frajna, U Fuchs, N Funicello, C Furget, A Furs, T Fusayasu, J J Gaardhøje, M Gagliardi, A M Gago, T Gahlaut, C D Galvan, D R Gangadharan, P Ganoti, C Garabatos, A T Garcia, T García Chávez, E Garcia-Solis, C Gargiulo, K Garner, P Gasik, A Gautam, M B Gay Ducati, M Germain, A Ghimouz, C Ghosh, M Giacalone, P Giubellino, P Giubilato, A M C Glaenzer, P Glässel, E Glimos, D J Q Goh, V Gonzalez, M Gorgon, K Goswami, S Gotovac, V Grabski, L K Graczykowski, E Grecka, A Grelli, C Grigoras, V Grigoriev, S Grigoryan, F Grosa, J F Grosse-Oetringhaus, R Grosso, D Grund, G G Guardiano, R Guernane, M Guilbaud, K Gulbrandsen, T Gündem, T Gunji, W Guo, A Gupta, R Gupta, R Gupta, K Gwizdziel, L Gyulai, M K Habib, C Hadjidakis, F U Haider, H Hamagaki, A Hamdi, M Hamid, Y Han, B G Hanley, R Hannigan, J Hansen, M R Haque, J W Harris, A Harton, H Hassan, D Hatzifotiadou, P Hauer, L B Havener, S T Heckel, E Hellbär, H Helstrup, M Hemmer, T Herman, G Herrera Corral, F Herrmann, S Herrmann, K F Hetland, B Heybeck, H Hillemanns, B Hippolyte, F W Hoffmann, B Hofman, B Hohlweger, G H Hong, M Horst, A Horzyk, Y Hou, P Hristov, C Hughes, P Huhn, L M Huhta, T J Humanic, A Hutson, D Hutter, R Ilkaev, H Ilyas, M Inaba, G M Innocenti, M Ippolitov, A Isakov, T Isidori, M S Islam, M Ivanov, M Ivanov, V Ivanov, K E Iversen, M Jablonski, B Jacak, N Jacazio, P M Jacobs, S Jadlovska, J Jadlovsky, S Jaelani, C Jahnke, M J Jakubowska, M A Janik, T Janson, M Jercic, S Ji, S Jia, A A P Jimenez, F Jonas, D M Jones, J M Jowett, J Jung, M Jung, A Junique, A Jusko, M J Kabus, J Kaewjai, P Kalinak, A S Kalteyer, A Kalweit, V Kaplin, A Karasu Uysal, D Karatovic, O Karavichev, T Karavicheva, P Karczmarczyk, E Karpechev, U Kebschull, R Keidel, D L D Keijdener, M Keil, B Ketzer, S S Khade, A M Khan, S Khan, A Khanzadeev, Y Kharlov, A Khatun, A Khuntia, M B Kidson, B Kileng, B Kim, C Kim, D J Kim, E J Kim, J Kim, J S Kim, J Kim, J Kim, M Kim, S Kim, T Kim, K Kimura, S Kirsch, I Kisel, S Kiselev, A Kisiel, J P Kitowski, J L Klay, J Klein, S Klein, C Klein-Bösing, M Kleiner, T Klemenz, A Kluge, A G Knospe, C Kobdaj, T Kollegger, A Kondratyev, N Kondratyeva, E Kondratyuk, J Konig, S A Konigstorfer, P J Konopka, G Kornakov, M Korwieser, S D Koryciak, A Kotliarov, V Kovalenko, M Kowalski, V Kozhuharov, I Králik, A Kravčáková, L Krcal, M Krivda, F Krizek, K Krizkova Gajdosova, M Kroesen, M Krüger, D M Krupova, E Kryshen, V Kučera, C Kuhn, P G Kuijer, T Kumaoka, D Kumar, L Kumar, N Kumar, S Kumar, S Kundu, P Kurashvili, A Kurepin, A B Kurepin, A Kuryakin, S Kushpil, M J Kweon, Y Kwon, S L La Pointe, P La Rocca, A Lakrathok, M Lamanna, A R Landou, R Langoy, P Larionov, E Laudi, L Lautner, R Lavicka, R Lea, H Lee, I Legrand, G Legras, J Lehrbach, T M Lelek, R C Lemmon, I León Monzón, M M Lesch, E D Lesser, P Lévai, X Li, X L Li, J Lien, R Lietava, I Likmeta, B Lim, S H Lim, V Lindenstruth, A Lindner, C Lippmann, A Liu, D H Liu, J Liu, G S S Liveraro, I M Lofnes, C Loizides, S Lokos, J Lomker, P Loncar, J A Lopez, X Lopez, E López Torres, P Lu, J R Luhder, M Lunardon, G Luparello, Y G Ma, M Mager, A Maire, E M Majerz, M V Makariev, M Malaev, G Malfattore, N M Malik, Q W Malik, S K Malik, L Malinina, D Mallick, N Mallick, G Mandaglio, S K Mandal, V Manko, F Manso, V Manzari, Y Mao, R W Marcjan, G V Margagliotti, A Margotti, A Marín, C Markert, P Martinengo, M I Martínez, G Martínez García, M P P Martins, S Masciocchi, M Masera, A Masoni, L Massacrier, A Mastroserio, O Matonoha, S Mattiazzo, P F T Matuoka, A Matyja, C Mayer, A L Mazuecos, F Mazzaschi, M Mazzilli, J E Mdhluli, A F Mechler, Y Melikyan, A Menchaca-Rocha, E Meninno, A S Menon, M Meres, S Mhlanga, Y Miake, L Micheletti, L C Migliorin, D L Mihaylov, K Mikhaylov, A N Mishra, D Miśkowiec, A Modak, A P Mohanty, B Mohanty, M Mohisin Khan, M A Molander, S Monira, Z Moravcova, C Mordasini, D A Moreira De Godoy, I Morozov, A Morsch, T Mrnjavac, V Muccifora, S Muhuri, J D Mulligan, A Mulliri, M G Munhoz, R H Munzer, H Murakami, S Murray, L Musa, J Musinsky, J W Myrcha, B Naik, A I Nambrath, B K Nandi, R Nania, E Nappi, A F Nassirpour, A Nath, C Nattrass, M N Naydenov, A Neagu, A Negru, L Nellen, R Nepeivoda, S Nese, G Neskovic, B S Nielsen, E G Nielsen, S Nikolaev, S Nikulin, V Nikulin, F Noferini, S Noh, P Nomokonov, J Norman, N Novitzky, P Nowakowski, A Nyanin, J Nystrand, M Ogino, S Oh, A Ohlson, V A Okorokov, J Oleniacz, A C Oliveira Da Silva, M H Oliver, A Onnerstad, C Oppedisano, A Ortiz Velasquez, J Otwinowski, M Oya, K Oyama, Y Pachmayer, S Padhan, D Pagano, G Paić, S Paisano-Guzmán, A Palasciano, S Panebianco, H Park, H Park, J Park, J E Parkkila, Y Patley, R N Patra, B Paul, H Pei, T Peitzmann, X Peng, M Pennisi, D Peresunko, G M Perez, Y Pestov, V Petrov, M Petrovici, R P Pezzi, S Piano, M Pikna, P Pillot, O Pinazza, L Pinsky, C Pinto, S Pisano, M Płoskoń, M Planinic, F Pliquett, M G Poghosyan, B Polichtchouk, S Politano, N Poljak, A Pop, S Porteboeuf-Houssais, V Pozdniakov, I Y Pozos, K K Pradhan, S K Prasad, S Prasad, R Preghenella, F Prino, C A Pruneau, I Pshenichnov, M Puccio, S Pucillo, Z Pugelova, S Qiu, L Quaglia, R E Quishpe, S Ragoni, A Rakotozafindrabe, L Ramello, F Rami, T A Rancien, M Rasa, S S Räsänen, R Rath, M P Rauch, I Ravasenga, K F Read, C Reckziegel, A R Redelbach, K Redlich, C A Reetz, H D Regules-Medel, A Rehman, F Reidt, H A Reme-Ness, Z Rescakova, K Reygers, A Riabov, V Riabov, R Ricci, M Richter, A A Riedel, W Riegler, C Ristea, M V Rodriguez, M Rodríguez Cahuantzi, S A Rodríguez Ramírez, K Røed, R Rogalev, E Rogochaya, T S Rogoschinski, D Rohr, D Röhrich, P F Rojas, S Rojas Torres, P S Rokita, G Romanenko, F Ronchetti, A Rosano, E D Rosas, K Roslon, A Rossi, A Roy, S Roy, N Rubini, D 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Zhalov, B Zhang, C Zhang, L Zhang, S Zhang, X Zhang, Y Zhang, Z Zhang, M Zhao, V Zherebchevskii, Y Zhi, D Zhou, Y Zhou, J Zhu, Y Zhu, S C Zugravel, N Zurlo
The first measurement of the cross section for incoherent photonuclear production of J/ψ vector mesons as a function of the Mandelstam |t| variable is presented. The measurement was carried out with the ALICE detector at midrapidity, |y|<0.8, using ultraperipheral collisions of Pb nuclei at a center-of-mass energy per nucleon pair of sqrt[s_{NN}]=5.02  TeV. This rapidity interval corresponds to a Bjorken-x range (0.3-1.4)×10^{-3}. Cross sections are given in five |t| intervals in the range 0...
April 19, 2024: Physical Review Letters
G Krizman, J Bermejo-Ortiz, T Zakusylo, M Hajlaoui, T Takashiro, M Rosmus, N Olszowska, J J Kołodziej, G Bauer, Y Guldner, G Springholz, L-A de Vaulchier
In multivalley systems, the valley pseudospin offers rich physics going from encoding of information by its polarization (valleytronics), to exploring novel phases of matter when its degeneracy is changed. Here, by strain engineering, we reveal fully valley-polarized quantum Hall phases in the Pb_{1-x}Sn_{x}Se Dirac system. Remarkably, when the valley energy splitting exceeds the fundamental band gap, we observe a "bipolar quantum Hall phase," heralded by the coexistence of hole and electron chiral edge states at distinct valleys in the same quantum well...
April 19, 2024: Physical Review Letters
Laura K Hilton, Brett J Collinge, Susana Ben-Neriah, Waleed Alduaij, Haya Shaalan, Andrew Weng, Manuela Cruz, Graham W Slack, Pedro Farinha, Tomoko Miyata-Takata, Merrill Boyle, Barbara Meissner, James R Cook, Sarah L Ondrejka, German Ott, Andreas Rosenwald, Elías Campo, Catalina Amador, Timothy C Greiner, Philipp W Raess, Joo Y Song, Giorgio Ga Inghirami, Elaine S Jaffe, Dennis D Weisenburger, Wing C Chan, Klaus Beiske, Kai Fu, Jan Delabie, Stafania Pittaluga, Javeed Iqbal, George Wright, Laurie H Sehn, Kerry J Savage, Andrew J Mungall, Andrew L Feldman, Louis M Staudt, Christian Steidl, Lisa M Rimsza, Ryan D Morin, David W Scott
Rearrangements that place the oncogenes MYC, BCL2, or BCL6 adjacent to superenhancers are common in mature B-cell lymphomas. Lymphomas with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) or high-grade morphology with both MYC and BCL2 rearrangements are classified as high-grade B-cell lymphoma with MYC and BCL2 rearrangements ("double hit": HGBCL-DH-BCL2) and are associated with aggressive disease and poor outcomes. Although it is established that MYC rearrangements involving immunoglobulin (IG) loci are associated with inferior outcomes relative to those involving other non-IG superenhancers, the frequency of, and mechanisms driving, IG vs non-IG MYC rearrangements have not been elucidated...
May 3, 2024: Blood
Andy Y Wang, Peter M Rothwell, Jason Nelson, Jeffrey L Saver, Scott E Kasner, John Carroll, Jean-Louis Mas, Geneviève Derumeaux, Gilles Chatellier, Anthony J Furlan, Howard C Herrmann, Peter Jüni, Jong S Kim, Benjamin Koethe, Pil H Lee, Benedicte Lefebvre, Heinrich P Mattle, Bernhard Meier, Mark Reisman, Richard W Smalling, Lars Sondergaard, Jae-Kwan Song, Emanuele Di Angelantonio, Marco DiTullio, Mitchell S V Elkind, Shunichi Homma, Cheryl Jaigobin, Patrik Michel, Marie-Luise Mono, Krassen Nedeltchev, Federica Papetti, Joaquin Serena, Christian Weimar, Linxin Li, Sara Mazzucco, Louise E Silver, David van Klaveren, David E Thaler, David M Kent
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Whether patent foramen ovale (PFO) closure benefits older patients with PFO and cryptogenic stroke is unknown because randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have predominantly enrolled patients younger than 60 years of age. Our objective was to estimate anticipated effects of PFO closure in older patients to predict the numbers needed to plan an RCT. METHODS: Effectiveness estimates are derived from major observational studies (Risk of Paradoxical Embolism [RoPE] Study and Oxford Vascular Study, together referred to as the "RoPE-Ox" database) and all 6 major RCTs (Systematic, Collaborative, PFO Closure Evaluation [SCOPE] Consortium)...
May 28, 2024: Neurology
Nitika Kharbanda, Manvi Sachdeva, Nandan Ghorai, Arshdeep Kaur, Vikas Kumar, Hirendra N Ghosh
Plasmonic semiconductors are promising candidates for developing energy conversion devices due to their tunable band gap, cost-effectiveness, and nontoxicity. Such materials exhibit remarkable capabilities for harvesting infrared photons, which constitute half of the solar energy spectrum. Herein, we have synthesized near-infrared (NIR) active Cu x In y S nanocrystals and Cu x In y S/CdS heterostructure nanocrystals (HNCs) to investigate plasmon-induced charge transfer dynamics on an ultrafast time scale. Employing femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy, we demonstrate that upon exciting the HNCs with sub-band gap NIR photons (λ = 840 nm), the hot holes are generated in the valence band of plasmonic Cu x In y S and transferred to the adjacent semiconductor...
May 3, 2024: Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
Earl Y Cheng
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
May 3, 2024: Journal of Urology
Josephine Hirsch, N Valeska Halstead, Theresa Meyer, James T Rague, Soojin Kim, Ilina Rosoklija, Stephanie Kielb, Jill E Larson, Vineeta T Swaroop, Robin M Bowman, Earl Y Cheng, Diana K Bowen, Elizabeth B Yerkes, David I Chu
PURPOSE: To assess associations between health-related quality of life (HRQOL), bladder-related QOL, bladder symptoms, and bladder catheterization route among adolescents and young adults (AYA) with spina bifida (SB). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Clinical questionnaires administered to individuals ≥ 12-years-old requiring catheterization between June 2019-March 2020 in a SB center were retrospectively analyzed. Questionnaires were completed in English or Spanish independently or with caregiver assistance...
May 3, 2024: Journal of Urology
William A Miller-Little, Xing Chen, Vanessa Salazar, Caini Liu, Katarzyna Bulek, Julie Y Zhou, Xiao Li, Olaf Stüve, Thaddeus Stappenbeck, George Dubyak, Junjie Zhao, Xiaoxia Li
Steroid resistance poses a major challenge for the management of autoimmune neuroinflammation. T helper 17 (TH 17) cells are widely implicated in the pathology of steroid resistance; however, the underlying mechanisms are unknown. In this study, we identified that interleukin-1 receptor (IL-1R) blockade rendered experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) mice sensitive to dexamethasone (Dex) treatment. Interleukin-1β (IL-1β) induced a signal transducer and activator of transcription 5 (STAT5)-mediated steroid-resistant transcriptional program in TH 17 cells, which promoted inflammatory cytokine production and suppressed Dex-induced anti-inflammatory genes...
May 3, 2024: Science Immunology
H Y Jefman Efendi Marzuki, Nafrialdi Nafrialdi, Neni Sawitri, Yani Jane Sugiri, I Gusti Agung Ayu Putu Sri Darmayani, Purwantyastuti Ascobat
BACKGROUND: Delamanid (DLM) is a relatively new drug for drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) that has been used in Indonesia since 2019 despite its limited safety data. DLM is known to inhibit hERG potassium channel with the potential to cause QT prolongation which eventually leads to Torsades de pointes (TdP). OBJECTIVE: This study aims to analyse the changes of QTc interval in DR-TB patients on DLM regimen compared to shorter treatment regimens (STR). METHODS: A retrospective cohort was implemented on secondary data obtained from two participating hospitals...
May 3, 2024: International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine
Michael F Georgescu, May A Beydoun, Jason Ashe, Christian A Maino Vieytes, Hind A Beydoun, Michele K Evans, Alan B Zonderman
BACKGROUND: Loneliness, dementia, and mortality are interconnected. OBJECTIVE: We aimed at understanding mediating pathways and interactions between loneliness and dementia in relation to mortality risk. METHODS: The study tested bi-directional relationships between dementia, loneliness, and mortality, by examining both interactions and mediating effects in a large sample of older US adults participating in the nationally representative Health and Retirement Study...
April 29, 2024: Journal of Alzheimer's Disease: JAD
Jeremy Y Ng, Brenda Lin, Tisha Parikh, Holger Cramer, David Moher
BACKGROUND: Open science practices are implemented across many scientific fields to improve transparency and reproducibility in research. Complementary, alternative, and integrative medicine (CAIM) is a growing field that may benefit from adoption of open science practices. The efficacy and safety of CAIM practices, a popular concern with the field, can be validated or refuted through transparent and reliable research. Investigating open science practices across CAIM journals by using the Transparency and Openness Promotion (TOP) guidelines can potentially promote open science practices across CAIM journals...
2024: PloS One
Stacey L McComish, Xirui Liu, Florencio T Martinez, Joey Y Zhou, Sergey Y Tolmachev
The U.S. Transuranium and Uranium Registries performs autopsies on each of its deceased Registrants as a part of its mission to follow up occupationally-exposed individuals. This provides a unique opportunity to explore death certificate misclassification errors, and the factors that influence them, among this small population of former nuclear workers. Underlying causes of death from death certificates and autopsy reports were coded using the 10th revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10)...
2024: PloS One
Takayoshi Sasako, Yann Ilboudo, Kevin Y H Liang, Yiheng Chen, Satoshi Yoshiji, J Brent Richards
CONTEXT: Trinucleotide repeats in the androgen receptor have been proposed to influence testosterone signaling in men, but the clinical relevance of these trinucleotide repeats remains controversial. OBJECTIVE: To examine how androgen receptor trinucleotide repeat lengths affect androgen-related traits and disease risks and whether they influence the clinical importance of circulating testosterone levels. METHODS: We quantified CAG and GGC repeat lengths in the androgen receptor (AR) gene of European-ancestry male participants in UK Biobank from whole-genome and whole-exome sequence data using ExpansionHunter, and tested associations with androgen-related traits and diseases...
May 3, 2024: Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism
Yanting Zhao, Ziheng Yan, Kai Song, Yanbing Li, Leiming Shen, Yiming Cui, Zongmin Du, Ruifu Yang, Yajun Song, Lan Jing, Yong Zhao
BACKGROUND: Plague, caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, is a zoonotic disease that poses considerable threats to human health. Nucleic acid tests are crucial for plague surveillance and the rapid detection of Y. pestis. However, inhibitors in complex samples such as soil and animal tissues often hamper nucleic acid detection, leading to a reduced rate of identifying low concentrations of Y. pestis. To address this challenge, we developed a sensitive and specific droplet digital polymerase chain reaction (ddPCR) assay for detecting Y...
May 3, 2024: PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases
Yanni Fan, Ling Zhang, Gil Y Melmed
BACKGROUND: Population-based studies for patients with fistulizing Crohn disease (CD), a severe complication of CD, are limited. OBJECTIVE: To report estimates of the prevalence and incidence rates of fistulizing CD in the United States and examine associated treatment patterns among incident cases. METHODS: This retrospective, observational cohort study used a US administrative claims database from January 1, 2016, to December 31, 2019, with at least 365 days' continuous insurance enrollment...
May 2024: Journal of Managed Care & Specialty Pharmacy
Navroop K Dhaliwal, Octavia Yifang Weng, Xiaoxue Dong, Afrin Bhattacharya, Mai Ahmed, Haruka Nishimura, Wendy W Y Choi, Aditi Aggarwal, Bryan W Luikart, Qiang Shu, Xuekun Li, Michael D Wilson, Jason Moffat, Lu-Yang Wang, Julien Muffat, Yun Li
Mutations in the phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN) gene are associated with severe neurodevelopmental disorders. Loss of PTEN leads to hyperactivation of the mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR), which functions in two distinct protein complexes, mTORC1 and mTORC2. The downstream signaling mechanisms that contribute to PTEN mutant phenotypes are not well delineated. Here, we show that pluripotent stem cell-derived PTEN mutant human neurons, neural precursors, and cortical organoids recapitulate disease-relevant phenotypes, including hypertrophy, electrical hyperactivity, enhanced proliferation, and structural overgrowth...
May 2, 2024: Cell Reports
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