Chuanwang Yang, Zhe Cheng, Pengju Li, Bozhi Tian
ConspectusElectrical neuromodulation has achieved significant translational advancements, including the development of deep brain stimulators for managing neural disorders and vagus nerve stimulators for seizure treatment. Optoelectronics, in contrast to wired electrical systems, offers the leadless feature that guides multisite and high spatiotemporal neural system targeting, ensuring high specificity and precision in translational therapies known as "photoelectroceuticals". This Account provides a concise overview of developments in novel optoelectronic nanomaterials that are engineered through innovative molecular, chemical, and nanostructure designs to facilitate neural interfacing with high efficiency and minimally invasive implantation...
April 23, 2024: Accounts of Chemical Research
Kathryn E Reynolds, Eileen Huang, Monica Sabbineni, Eliza Wiseman, Nadeem Murtaza, Desmond Ahuja, Matt Napier, Kathryn M Murphy, Karun K Singh, Angela L Scott
Neuronal hyperexcitability within developing cortical circuits is a common characteristic of several heritable neurodevelopmental disorders, including Fragile X Syndrome (FXS), intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorders (ASD). While this aberrant circuitry is typically studied from a neuron-centric perspective, glial cells secrete soluble factors that regulate both neurite extension and synaptogenesis during development. The nucleotide-mediated purinergic signalling system is particularly instrumental in facilitating these effects...
April 23, 2024: Molecular Neurobiology
Liwu Jiao, Huicong Kang, Yumei Geng, Xuyang Liu, Mengying Wang, Kai Shu
As a crucial component of the cerebral cholinergic system and the Papez circuit in the basal forebrain, dysfunction of the nucleus basalis of Meynert (NBM) is associated with various neurodegenerative disorders. However, no drugs, including existing cholinesterase inhibitors, have been shown to reverse this dysfunction. Due to advancements in neuromodulation technology, researchers are exploring the use of deep brain stimulation (DBS) therapy targeting the NBM (NBM-DBS) to treat mental and neurological disorders as well as the related mechanisms...
2024: Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience
Hui Zhang, Zhe Zhu, Wei-Xiang Ma, Ling-Xi Kong, Ping-Chuan Yuan, Li-Fang Bu, Jun Han, Zhi-Li Huang, Yi-Qun Wang
Periaqueductal gray (PAG), an integration center for neuronal signals, is located in the midbrain and regulates multiple physiological and pathological behaviors, including pain, defensive and aggressive behaviors, anxiety and depression, cardiovascular response, respiration, and sleep-wake behaviors. Due to the different neuroanatomical connections and functional characteristics of the four functional columns of PAG, different subregions of PAG synergistically regulate various instinctual behaviors. In the current review, we summarized the role and possible neurobiological mechanism of different subregions of PAG in the regulation of pain, defensive and aggressive behaviors, anxiety, and depression from the perspective of the up-down neuronal circuits of PAG...
2024: Frontiers in Neuroscience
Andreas Burkhalter, Weiqing Ji, Andrew M Meier, Rinaldo D D'Souza
Interactions between feedback connections from higher cortical areas and local horizontal connections within primary visual cortex (V1) were shown to play a role in contextual processing in different behavioral states. Layer 1 (L1) is an important part of the underlying network. This cell-sparse layer is a target of feedback and local inputs, and nexus for contacts onto apical dendrites of projection neurons in the layers below. Importantly, L1 is a site for coupling inputs from the outside world with internal information...
2024: Frontiers in Neuroanatomy
Zi-Xuan He, Mei-Hui Yue, Kai-Jie Liu, Yao Wang, Jiu-Ye Qiao, Xin-Yue Lv, Ke Xi, Ya-Xin Zhang, Jia-Ni Fan, Hua-Li Yu, Xiao-Xiao He, Xiao-Juan Zhu
Behavioral and clinical studies have revealed a critical role of substance P (SP) in aggression; however, the neural circuit mechanisms underlying SP and aggression remain elusive. Here, we show that tachykinin-expressing neurons in the medial amygdala (MeATac1 neurons) are activated during aggressive behaviors in male mice. We identified MeATac1 neurons as a key mediator of aggression and found that MeATac1 →ventrolateral part of the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (VMHvl) projections are critical to the regulation of aggression...
April 22, 2024: Neuropsychopharmacology
Laura J Smithson, Thomas J Waller, Catherine A Collins
Laser microsurgery is a robust method to ablate specific cells in the nervous system and probe the functional consequences of their loss in the animal. By introducing focal lesions to small locations in the animal, laser microsurgery also enables disruptions of specific connections within neuronal circuits and the study of how the nervous system responds to precise forms of damage (for instance, damage to specific axons or dendrites, which have been found to evoke different kinds of responses in neurons). The MicroPoint laser is a pulsed dye laser that can be mounted onto any standard microscope, hence is an affordable alternative to two-photon lasers for providing high powered focal ablations...
April 22, 2024: Cold Spring Harbor Protocols
Jiaqi Chen, Xingqiang Liu, Chang Liu, Lin Tang, Tong Bu, Bei Jiang, Yahui Qing, Yulu Xie, Yong Wang, Yongtao Shan, Ruxin Li, Cong Ye, Lei Liao
Artificial synapses and bionic neurons offer great potential in highly efficient computing paradigms. However, complex requirements for specific electronic devices in neuromorphic computing have made memristors face the challenge of process simplification and universality. Herein, reconfigurable Ag/HfO2 /NiO/Pt memristors are designed for feasible switching between volatile and nonvolatile modes by compliance current controlled Ag filaments, which enables stable and reconfigurable synaptic and neuronal functions...
April 22, 2024: Nano Letters
Swetha B M Gowda, Ayesha Banu, Sadam Hussain, Farhan Mohammad
The coordinated action of multiple leg joints and muscles is required even for the simplest movements. Understanding the neuronal circuits and mechanisms that generate precise movements is essential for comprehending the neuronal basis of the locomotion and to infer the neuronal mechanisms underlying several locomotor-related diseases. Drosophila melanogaster provides an excellent model system for investigating the neuronal circuits underlying motor behaviors due to its simple nervous system and genetic accessibility...
April 2024: Journal of Neuroscience Research
Meng Yu, Fengjiao Sun, Guo Xiang, Yuhan Zhang, Xuejun Wang, Xia Liu, Bin Huang, Xingang Li, Di Zhang
Social memory is the ability to discriminate between familiar and unknown conspecifics. It is an important component of social cognition and is therefore essential for the establishment of social relationships. Although the neural circuit mechanisms underlying social memory encoding have been well investigated, little focus has been placed on the regulatory mechanisms of social memory processing. The dopaminergic system, originating from the midbrain ventral tegmental area (VTA), is a key modulator of cognitive function...
2024: Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience
Ahana Mallick, Hua Leonhard Tan, Jacob Michael Epstein, Quentin Gaudry, Andrew M Dacks
Serotonin (5-HT) is known to modulate early development during critical periods when experience drives heightened levels of plasticity in neurons. Here, we take advantage of the genetically tractable olfactory system of Drosophila to investigate how 5-HT modulates critical period plasticity in the CO2 sensing circuit of fruit flies. Our study reveals that 5HT modulation of multiple neuronal targets is necessary for experience-dependent structural changes in an odor processing circuit. The olfactory CPP is known to involve local inhibitory networks and consistent with this we found that knocking down 5-HT7 receptors in a subset of GABAergic local interneurons was sufficient to block CPP, as was knocking down GABA receptors expressed by olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs)...
April 14, 2024: bioRxiv
Sophie C Bendrath, Hernán G Méndez, Anne M Dankert, Jose Manuel Lerma-Cabrera, Francisca Carvajal, Ana Paula Dornellas-Loper, Sophia Lee, Sofia Neira, Harold Haun, Eric Delpire, Montserrat Navarro, Thomas L Kash, Todd E Thiele
BACKGROUND: Binge alcohol drinking is a dangerous pattern of consumption that can contribute to the development of more severe alcohol use disorders (AUDs). Importantly, the rate and severity of AUDs has historically differed between men and women, suggesting that there may be sex differences in the central mechanisms that modulate alcohol (ethanol) consumption. Corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) is a centrally expressed neuropeptide that has been implicated in the modulation of binge-like ethanol intake, and emerging data highlight sex differences in central CRF systems...
April 13, 2024: bioRxiv
Caitlyn M Edwards, Inge Estefania Guerrero, Danielle Thompson, Tyla Dolezel, Linda Rinaman
BACKGROUND: Visceral feedback from the body is often subconscious, but plays an important role in guiding motivated behaviors. Vagal sensory neurons relay "gut feelings" to noradrenergic (NA) neurons in the caudal nucleus of the solitary tract (cNTS), which in turn project to the anterior ventrolateral bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (vlBNST) and other hypothalamic-limbic forebrain regions. Prior work supports a role for these circuits in modulating memory consolidation and extinction, but a potential role in retrieval of conditioned avoidance remains untested...
April 13, 2024: bioRxiv
Kathy Clara Bui, Daichi Kamiyama
UNLABELLED: The formation and precise positioning of axons and dendrites are crucial for the development of neural circuits. Although juxtracrine signaling via cell-cell contact is known to influence these processes, the specific structures and mechanisms regulating neuronal process positioning within the central nervous system (CNS) remain to be fully identified. Our study investigates motoneuron 24 (MN24) in the Drosophila embryonic CNS, which is characterized by a complex yet stereotyped axon projection pattern, known as 'axonal routing...
April 12, 2024: bioRxiv
Mariam Masmudi-Martín, Irene Navarro-Lobato, Manuel F López-Aranda, María E Quiros-Ortega, Marta Carretero-Rey, María F Garcia-Garrido, Juan F López Téllez, Inmaculada Jiménez-Recuerda, Cristina A Muñoz de Leon López, Zafar U Khan
AIMS: Ventral pathway circuits are constituted by the interconnected brain areas that are distributed throughout the brain. These brain circuits are primarily involved in processing of object related information in brain. However, their role in object recognition memory (ORM) enhancement remains unknown. Here, we have studied on the implication of these circuits in ORM enhancement and in reversal of ORM deficit in aging. METHODS: The brain areas interconnected to ventral pathway circuits in rat brain were activated by an expression of a protein called regulator of G-protein signaling 14 of 414 amino acids (RGS14414 )...
April 2024: CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics
Hao Yang, XiaoLi Yang, SiLu Yan
The cognitive impairment will gradually appear over time in Parkinson's patients, which is closely related to the basal ganglia-cortex network. This network contains two parallel circuits mediated by putamen and caudate nucleus, respectively. Based on the biophysical mean-field model, we construct a dynamic computational model of the parallel circuit in the basal ganglia-cortex network associated with Parkinson's disease dementia. The simulated results show that the decrease of power ratio in the prefrontal cortex is mainly caused by dopamine depletion in the caudate nucleus and is less related to that in the putamen, which indicates Parkinson's disease dementia may be caused by a lesion of the caudate nucleus rather than putamen...
April 21, 2024: Biological Cybernetics
Erik Justin Courcelles, Kasper Kjelsberg, Laura Convertino, Rajeevkumar Raveendran Nair, Menno P Witter, Maximiliano José Nigro
GABAergic neurons represent 10-15% of the neuronal population of the cortex but exert a powerful control over information flow in cortical circuits. The largest GABAergic class in the neocortex is represented by the parvalbumin-expressing fast-spiking neurons, which provide powerful somatic inhibition to their postsynaptic targets. Recently, the density of parvalbumin interneurons has been shown to be lower in associative areas of the mouse cortex as compared with sensory and motor areas. Modelling work based on these quantifications linked the low-density of parvalbumin interneurons with specific computations of associative cortices...
April 21, 2024: European Journal of Neuroscience
Nichalas Nelson, Dominic J Vita, Kendal Broadie
Critical periods are temporally-restricted, early-life windows when sensory experience remodels synaptic connectivity to optimize environmental input. In the Drosophila juvenile brain, critical period experience drives synapse elimination, which is transiently reversible. Within olfactory sensory neuron (OSN) classes synapsing onto single projection neurons extending to brain learning/memory centers, we find glia mediate experience-dependent pruning of OSN synaptic glomeruli downstream of critical period odorant exposure...
April 20, 2024: Scientific Reports
Frederic M Stoll, Peter H Rudebeck
Individual preferences for the flavor of different foods and fluids exert a strong influence on behavior. Most current theories posit that preferences are integrated with other state variables in the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), which is thought to derive the relative subjective value of available options to guide choice behavior. Here, we report that instead of a single integrated valuation system in the OFC, another complementary one is centered in the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (vlPFC) in macaques. Specifically, we found that the OFC and vlPFC preferentially represent outcome flavor and outcome probability, respectively, and that preferences are separately integrated into value representations in these areas...
April 10, 2024: Neuron
Simon Chamberland, Gariel Grant, Robert Machold, Erica R Nebet, Guoling Tian, Joshua Stich, Monica Hanani, Klas Kullander, Richard W Tsien
Hippocampal somatostatin-expressing ( Sst ) GABAergic interneurons (INs) exhibit considerable anatomical and functional heterogeneity. Recent single-cell transcriptome analyses have provided a comprehensive Sst -IN subpopulations census, a plausible molecular ground truth of neuronal identity whose links to specific functionality remain incomplete. Here, we designed an approach to identify and access subpopulations of Sst -INs based on transcriptomic features. Four mouse models based on single or combinatorial Cre- and Flp- expression differentiated functionally distinct subpopulations of CA1 hippocampal Sst- INs that largely tiled the morpho-functional parameter space of the Sst -INs superfamily...
April 23, 2024: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
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