Michelle J K Osterman, Brady E Hamilton, Joyce A Martin, Anne K Driscoll, Claudia P Valenzuela
Objectives- This report presents 2022 data on U.S. births by selected characteristics. Trends in fertility patterns and maternal and infant characteristics are described. Methods-Descriptive tabulations based on birth certificates of the 3.67 million births registered in 2022 are shown by maternal age, live-birth order, race and Hispanic origin, marital status, tobacco use, prenatal care, source of payment for the delivery, method of delivery, gestational age, birthweight, and plurality. Selected data by mother's state of residence and birth rates also are shown...
April 2024: National Vital Statistics Reports
Danielle M Ely, Anne K Driscoll
Objectives- This report presents infant mortality rates for selected maternal characteristics (prepregnancy body mass index, cigarette smoking during pregnancy, receipt of Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) benefits during pregnancy, timing of prenatal care, and source of payment for delivery) for the five largest maternal race and Hispanic-origin groups in the United States for combined years 2019-2021. Methods-Descriptive tabulations based on data from the linked birth/infant death files for 2019-2021 are presented...
March 2024: National Vital Statistics Reports
Joyce A Martin, Michelle J K Osterman
Objectives-This report presents changes in the distribution of singleton births by gestational age in the United States for 2014-2022, by maternal age and race and Hispanic origin. Methods-Data are based on all birth certificates for singleton births registered in the United States from 2014 to 2022. Gestational age is measured in completed weeks using the obstetric estimate and categorized as early preterm (less than 34 weeks), late preterm (34-36 weeks), total preterm (less than 37 weeks), early term (37-38 weeks), full term (39-40 weeks), and late- and post-term (41 and later weeks)...
January 2024: National Vital Statistics Reports
Sally C Curtin, Betzaida Tejada-Vera, Brigham A Bastian
Objectives-This report presents final 2020 data on the 10 leading causes of death in the United States by age, race and Hispanic origin, and sex. Leading causes of infant, neonatal, and postneonatal death are also presented. This report supplements "Deaths: Final Data for 2020," the National Center for Health Statistics' annual report of final mortality statistics. Methods-Data in this report are based on information from all death certificates filed in the 50 states and the District of Columbia in 2020. Causes of death classified by the International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision (ICD-10) are ranked according to the number of deaths...
December 2023: National Vital Statistics Reports
Elizabeth Arias, Jiaquan Xu, Kenneth Kochanek
Objectives-This report presents complete period life tables for the United States by Hispanic origin and race and sex, based on age-specific death rates in 2021. Methods-Data used to prepare the 2021 life tables are 2021 final mortality statistics; July 1, 2021, population estimates based on the Blended Base population estimates produced by the U.S. Census Bureau; and 2021 Medicare data for people ages 66-99. The methodology used to estimate life tables for the Hispanic population remains unchanged from that developed for the publication of life tables by Hispanic origin for data year 2006...
November 2023: National Vital Statistics Reports
Kenneth D Kochanek, Sherry L Murphy, Jiaquan Xu, Elizabeth Arias
Objective-This report presents final 2020 data on U.S. deaths, death rates, life expectancy, infant and maternal mortality, and trends by selected characteristics such as age, sex, Hispanic origin and race, state of residence, and cause of death. Methods-Information reported on death certificates is presented in descriptive tabulations. The original records are filed in state registration offices. Statistical information is compiled in a national database through the Vital Statistics Cooperative Program of the National Center for Health Statistics...
September 2023: National Vital Statistics Reports
Danielle M Ely, Anne K Driscoll
Objective-This report presents 2021 infant mortality statistics by age at death, maternal race and Hispanic origin, maternal age, gestational age, leading causes of death, and maternal state of residence. Trends in infant mortality are also examined. Methods-Descriptive tabulations of data are presented and interpreted for infant deaths and infant mortality rates using the 2021 period linked birth/infant death file. The linked birth/infant death file is based on birth and death certificates registered in all 50 states and the District of Columbia...
September 2023: National Vital Statistics Reports
Rachael M Billock, Andrea L Steege, Arialdi Miniño
Objective-This report describes deaths from drug overdoses in 2020 in U.S. residents in 46 states and New York City by usual occupation and industry. Methods-Frequencies, death rates, and proportionate mortality ratios (PMRs) are presented using the 2020 National Vital Statistics System mortality data file. Data were restricted to decedents aged 16-64 for rates and 15-64 for PMRs with usual occupations and industries in the paid civilian workforce. Age-standardized drug overdose death rates were estimated for usual occupation and industry groups overall, and age-adjusted drug overdose PMRs were estimated for each usual occupation and industry group overall and by sex, race and Hispanic-origin group, type of drug, and drug overdose intent...
August 2023: National Vital Statistics Reports
Isabelle Horon, Anne K Driscoll
Objectives-This report describes homicide rates among infants (under age 1 year) by selected maternal, pregnancy-related, and infant characteristics. Methods-Linked birth/infant death files based on data collected on U.S. birth and death certificates were used to calculate homicide rates among infants for the period 2017-2020. Results-A total of 1,067 homicides occurred among infants in the United States from 2017 through 2020, an average of 267 per year. More than one-half of all infant homicides occurred among infants aged 3 months and under...
July 2023: National Vital Statistics Reports
Elizabeth C W Gregory, Claudia P Valenzuela, Donna L Hoyert
Objectives-This report presents 2021 fetal mortality data by maternal race and Hispanic origin, age, tobacco use during pregnancy, and state of residence, as well as by plurality, sex, gestational age, birthweight, and selected causes of death. Trends in fetal mortality are also examined. Methods-Descriptive tabulations of data are presented and interpreted for all fetal deaths reported for the United States for 2021 with a stated or presumed period of gestation of 20 weeks or more. Cause-of-fetal-death data are restricted to residents of the 41 states and the District of Columbia, where cause of death was based on the 2003 fetal death report revision and less than 50% of deaths were attributed to Fetal death of unspecified cause (P95)...
July 2023: National Vital Statistics Reports
Elizabeth C W Gregory, Danielle M Ely
Objectives-This report presents data on trends for prepregnancy diabetes mellitus (PDM), diabetes diagnosed before pregnancy, in mothers giving birth in the United States for 2016-2021, and rates by selected maternal characteristics for 2016 and 2021.
May 2023: National Vital Statistics Reports
Donna L Hoyert
Objectives-This report presents information on autopsy data by age, cause, place of death, and year.
May 2023: National Vital Statistics Reports
Joyce A Martin, Michelle J K Osterman
Objectives-This report describes changes in prenatal care use (utilization) in the United States before and during the COVID-19 pandemic by month of birth and the mother's race and Hispanic origin.
May 2023: National Vital Statistics Reports
Michelle J K Osterman, Brady E Hamilton, Joyce A Martin, Anne K Driscoll, Claudia P Valenzuela
Objectives-This report presents 2021 data on U.S. births according to a variety of characteristics. Trends in fertility patterns and maternal and infant characteristics are described and interpreted.
January 2023: National Vital Statistics Reports
Anne K Driscoll
Objectives-This report presents comparisons of maternal characteristics and infant outcomes of Hispanic women and their infants by nativity (whether they were born in or outside the United States) for all Hispanic women and for the six largest Hispanic subgroups by nativity.
January 2023: National Vital Statistics Reports
Isabelle Horon, Joyce A Martin
Objectives-This report describes changes in the number and rate of twin births from 2019 to 2021 by month and year of birth and age and race and Hispanic origin of the mother.
December 2022: National Vital Statistics Reports
Elizabeth Cw Gregory, Michelle Jk Osterman, Claudia P Valenzuela
Objectives-This report describes changes between 2020 and 2021 in the percentage of home births by month, race and Hispanic origin, and state of residence of the mother, and makes comparisons with changes occurring between 2019 and 2020.
November 2022: National Vital Statistics Reports
Rachael M Billock, Andrea L Steege, Arialdi Miniño
Objectives-This report describes COVID-19 mortality in 2020 among U.S. residents in 46 states and New York City by usual occupation and industry.
October 2022: National Vital Statistics Reports
Donna L Hoyert, Elizabeth Cw Gregory
Objectives-This report presents data on fetal cause of death by maternal age, maternal race and Hispanic origin, fetal sex, period of gestation, birthweight, and plurality.
October 2022: National Vital Statistics Reports
Danielle M Ely, Anne K Driscoll
Objectives-This report presents 2020 infant mortality statistics by age at death, maternal race and Hispanic origin, maternal age, gestational age, leading causes of death, and maternal state of residence. Trends in infant mortality are also examined.
September 2022: National Vital Statistics Reports
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