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December 1, 2012: Archives of General Psychiatry
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December 1, 2012: Archives of General Psychiatry
James C Harris
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December 1, 2012: Archives of General Psychiatry
Ian Kelleher, Fionnuala Lynch, Michelle Harley, Charlene Molloy, Sarah Roddy, Carol Fitzpatrick, Mary Cannon
CONTEXT Recent evidence from both clinical and population research has pointed to psychotic symptoms as potentially important markers of risk for suicidal behavior. However, to our knowledge, there have been no epidemiological studies to date that have reported data on psychotic symptoms and suicidality in individuals who have been clinically assessed for suicidal behavior. OBJECTIVES To explore associations between psychotic symptoms in nonpsychotic adolescents and risk for suicidal behavior in (1) the general population, (2) adolescents with psychiatric disorder, and (3) adolescents with suicidal ideation...
December 2012: Archives of General Psychiatry
In Kyoon Lyoo, Sujung Yoon, Alan M Jacobson, Jaeuk Hwang, Gail Musen, Jieun E Kim, Donald C Simonson, Sujin Bae, Nicolas Bolo, Dajung J Kim, Katie Weinger, Junghyun H Lee, Christopher M Ryan, Perry F Renshaw
CONTEXT Neural substrates that may be responsible for the high prevalence of depression in type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) have not yet been elucidated. OBJECTIVE To investigate neuroanatomic correlates of depression in T1DM. DESIGN Case-control study using high-resolution brain magnetic resonance images. SETTINGS Joslin Diabetes Center and McLean Hospital, Massachusetts, and Seoul National University Hospital, South Korea. PARTICIPANTS A total of 125 patients with T1DM (44 subjects with ≥1 previous depressive episodes [T1DM-depression group] and 81 subjects who had never experienced depressive episodes [T1DM-only group]), 23 subjects without T1DM but with 1 or more previous depressive episodes (depression group), and 38 healthy subjects (control group)...
December 2012: Archives of General Psychiatry
Rachel G Klein, Salvatore Mannuzza, María A Ramos Olazagasti, Erica Roizen, Jesse A Hutchison, Erin C Lashua, F Xavier Castellanos
CONTEXT Prospective studies of childhood attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have not extended beyond early adulthood. OBJECTIVE To examine whether children diagnosed as having ADHD at a mean age of 8 years (probands) have worse educational, occupational, economic, social, and marital outcomes and higher rates of ongoing ADHD, antisocial personality disorder (ASPD), substance use disorders (SUDs), adult-onset psychiatric disorders, psychiatric hospitalizations, and incarcerations than non-ADHD comparison participants at a mean age of 41 years...
December 2012: Archives of General Psychiatry
Theresa L Osypuk, Eric J Tchetgen Tchetgen, Dolores Acevedo-Garcia, Felton J Earls, Alisa Lincoln, Nicole M Schmidt, M Maria Glymour
CONTEXT Extensive observational evidence indicates that youth in high-poverty neighborhoods exhibit poor mental health, although not all children may be affected similarly. OBJECTIVE To use experimental evidence to assess whether gender and family health problems modify the mental health effects of moving from high- to low-poverty neighborhoods. DESIGN Randomized controlled trial. SETTING Volunteer low-income families in public housing in 5 US cities between 1994-1997. PARTICIPANTS We analyze 4- to 7-year outcomes in youth aged 12 to 19 years (n = 2829, 89% effective response rate) in the Moving to Opportunity Study...
December 2012: Archives of General Psychiatry
Carl Ernst, Christian R Marshall, Yiping Shen, Kay Metcalfe, Jill Rosenfeld, Jennelle C Hodge, Alcy Torres, Ian Blumenthal, Colby Chiang, Vamsee Pillalamarri, Liam Crapper, Alpha B Diallo, Douglas Ruderfer, Shahrin Pereira, Pamela Sklar, Shaun Purcell, Robert S Wildin, Anne C Spencer, Bradley F Quade, David J Harris, Emanuelle Lemyre, Bai-Lin Wu, Dimitri J Stavropoulos, Michael T Geraghty, Lisa G Shaffer, Cynthia C Morton, Stephen W Scherer, James F Gusella, Michael E Talkowski
CONTEXT Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is suspected of being a causative factor in psychiatric disorders based on case reports or studies involving large structural anomalies. OBJECTIVE To determine the involvement of BDNF in human psychopathology. DESIGN Case-control study. SETTING Microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization data from 7 molecular diagnostic centers including 38 550 affected subjects and 28 705 unaffected subjects. PATIENTS Subjects referred to diagnostic screening centers for microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization for physical or cognitive impairment...
December 2012: Archives of General Psychiatry
Laura A Thomas, Melissa A Brotman, Eli J Muhrer, Brooke H Rosen, Brian L Bones, Richard C Reynolds, Christen M Deveney, Daniel S Pine, Ellen Leibenluft
CONTEXT Youth with bipolar disorder (BD) and those with severe, nonepisodic irritability (severe mood dysregulation [SMD]) exhibit amygdala dysfunction during facial emotion processing. However, studies have not compared such patients with each other and with comparison individuals in neural responsiveness to subtle changes in facial emotion; the ability to process such changes is important for social cognition. To evaluate this, we used a novel, parametrically designed faces paradigm. OBJECTIVE To compare activation in the amygdala and across the brain in BD patients, SMD patients, and healthy volunteers (HVs)...
December 2012: Archives of General Psychiatry
Michael F Green, Gerhard Hellemann, William P Horan, Junghee Lee, Jonathan K Wynn
CONTEXT Schizophrenia remains a highly disabling disorder, but the specific determinants and pathways that lead to functional impairment are not well understood. It is not known whether these key determinants of outcome lie on 1 or multiple pathways. OBJECTIVE To evaluate theoretically based models of pathways to functional outcome starting with early visual perception. The intervening variables were previously established determinants of outcome drawn from 2 general categories: ability (ie, social cognition and functional capacity) and beliefs/motivation (ie, defeatist beliefs, expressive and experiential negative symptoms)...
December 2012: Archives of General Psychiatry
Jose Mathews, John W Newcomer, Jennifer R Mathews, Christina L Fales, Kathy J Pierce, Brandon K Akers, Ioana Marcu, Deanna M Barch
CONTEXT Iatrogenic obesity caused by atypical antipsychotics increases the rate of death from all causes. Olanzapine is a commonly prescribed atypical antipsychotic medication that frequently causes weight gain. To our knowledge, the neural correlates of this weight gain have not been adequately studied in humans. OBJECTIVE To test the hypothesis that olanzapine treatment disrupts the neural activity associated with the anticipation and receipt (consumption) of food rewards (chocolate milk and tomato juice)...
December 2012: Archives of General Psychiatry
Mette Odegaard Nielsen, Egill Rostrup, Sanne Wulff, Nikolaj Bak, Brian Villumsen Broberg, Henrik Lublin, Shitij Kapur, Birte Glenthoj
CONTEXT Schizophrenic symptoms are linked to a dysfunction of dopamine neurotransmission and the brain reward system. However, it remains unclear whether antipsychotic treatment, which blocks dopamine transmission, improves, alters, or even worsens the reward-related abnormalities. OBJECTIVE To investigate changes in reward-related brain activations in schizophrenia before and after antipsychotic monotherapy with a dopamine D2/D3 antagonist. DESIGN Longitudinal cohort study. SETTING Psychiatric inpatients and outpatients in the Capital Region of Denmark...
December 2012: Archives of General Psychiatry
Katherine M Keyes, John E Schulenberg, Patrick M O'Malley, Lloyd D Johnston, Jerald G Bachman, Guohua Li, Deborah Hasin
CONTEXT The substantial changes in adolescent alcohol use prevalence over time suggest that population-level environmental factors are important determinants of use, yet the potential influence of such environmental factors is inadequately understood. OBJECTIVE To investigate whether adolescents in birth cohorts and/or time periods characterized by restrictive social norms toward alcohol were at decreased risk for alcohol use and binge drinking, controlling for individual attitudes (disapproval) toward use...
December 2012: Archives of General Psychiatry
Panos Roussos, Pavel Katsel, Kenneth L Davis, Larry J Siever, Vahram Haroutunian
CONTEXT Schizophrenia is a common, highly heritable, neurodevelopmental mental illness, characterized by genetic heterogeneity. OBJECTIVE To identify abnormalities in the transcriptome organization among older persons with schizophrenia and controls. DESIGN Weighted gene coexpression network analysis based on microarray transcriptomic profiling. SETTING Research hospital. PATIENTS Postmortem brain tissue samples from 4 different cerebrocortical regions (the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, the middle temporal area, the temporopolar area, and the anterior cingulate cortex) from 21 persons with schizophrenia and 19 controls...
December 2012: Archives of General Psychiatry
Mark Olfson, Carlos Blanco, Shang-Min Liu, Shuai Wang, Christoph U Correll
CONTEXT Although antipsychotic treatment has recently increased, little is known about how this development has differentially affected the office-based care of adults and young people in the United States. OBJECTIVE To compare national trends and patterns in antipsychotic treatment of adults and youths in office-based medical practice. DESIGN Trends between 1993 and 2009 in visits with antipsychotics for children (0-13 years), adolescents (14-20 years), and adults (≥21 years) are described on a per population basis and as a proportion of total medical office visits...
December 2012: Archives of General Psychiatry
Maurice M Ohayon, Yves Dauvilliers, Charles F Reynolds
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November 1, 2012: Archives of General Psychiatry
Ramin Mojtabai
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November 1, 2012: Archives of General Psychiatry
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November 1, 2012: Archives of General Psychiatry
(no author information available yet)
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
November 1, 2012: Archives of General Psychiatry
Stefan P Kruszewski
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
November 2012: Archives of General Psychiatry
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